1. "Better be good"

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They say that no matter what you do in your life, it is important that you're passionate about it. I love fashion and since I know for myself I always wanted to try things on and combine different colors. Even though, combinations back from past I would never wear now, I am studying for fashion designer. My parents been very supportive about my future career. They are my biggest support and I know that without them I wouldn't be living my dream. This sounds cheesy, but it is a truth.

I am Lily. Born and raised in London, even though my parents are from Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham. They met back there and fell in love but moved to London because my dad got new job and that's were I came to light. 22 years ago.

Now, things are a little bit different. My parents got tired of busy city life so they decided to go back to Sutton Coldfield while I stayed in London renting a cute apartment near center.

My best friend aka Jenny is  -everything-will-be-okay- person which sometimes goes on my nerves because I am -nothing-will-be-okay- person. She is studying law but in fact she lives for music. Everytime when I am with her she is humming some lyrics and slightly dancing to it.
And right now, we are debating well not really debating, she is more of persuing me to go with her on the concert of The Vamps.

"You have to come with me." She squeeled.
"I told you ten times already that I am not coming. I have smarter things to do." I said as I put dishes in dishwasher.
"Like?" She asked.
"Like drawing sketches for my upcoming project and applying for that Adidas project that is opened." I stated.
"Nah, you are coming with me." she said as he went in my walking wardrobe.

"Jesus Lily, you have so many things." She said as she walked in. Of course, I do. What did you expect. Maybe I am a little bit of shopaholic too. But just a little bit.
"You will be late for concert." I tried to move her but she insisted on searching throught my clothes.
"We will be late."
"I already told you that I won't go." I said as I sat on my bed.
"But please Lily?" Jenny said with puppy eyes which didn't work on me.
"No. And hunderd times no. I don't want to deal with you fangirl ass. To calm you down when that blonde drummer boy comes on stage. Sorry, I won't." I said in one breathe.

"I never ask you anything. I asked you one time to come on something that is important to me and you refuse." Jenny said and by her action I can tell that she is mad at me. I sighed heavily and nodded.

"I will come but the second you start acting like a badass fangirl, I am leaving." I said and she started to scream.
"Deal." She said as she hugged me.

This night better be good.

So I never wrote a story like this. I usually write one chapter imagines but I wanted to try this out.
Please tell me your opinions.

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