9. "Bit your lip"

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The way he kissed me, was like he didn't see me in a long time and now we are reunited again. It was full of love, passion and care. Trace of lust, obviously but it felt like we are perfect match as much as it sounds cheesy.

"Brad" I moaned in his mouth causing him to separate his lips from mine and smile at me.
"That sounded very hot." He said biting his bottom lip.
"Stop doing that." I said as I unwrapped my arms from his neck and touched my lips since they were sore from all this kissing.
"Doing what?" Brad asked confused.
"Biting your lip." I said smiling at him.
"Yeah, only you are allowed to do that." He said . My legs were still around Brad's body and his hands were still at my lower back.

"Why did you move your hands?"Brad asked leaning in.
"I thought that bothered you." I said teasing.
"It bothers me that you don't want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you." He said with hurted expression as he rested his forehead on mine and just stared in my lap.
"That's what you think." I said causing him to look up and smile appeared on his face again.

He didn't waste time since quickly his lips were back on mine and there was nothing else I wanted more in that moment.My hands made way in his curls making hella of mess up there. I heard door bell causing me to push Brad who thought I was just messing with him so he just smiled in kiss.

"Brad, door bell." I said as I finally catched some air.
"Oh come on." Brad said in disappointed voice which made me chuckle. He moved his hands from me so we could go towards the door. Before I could open door, Brad turned me to him like princes turn princesses in every film and kissed me.
"I have to open door." I said breaking a kiss which again brought disappointment on Brad's face. I mouthed him 'I am sorry' as I opened the doors seeing my mom, Anne-Marie and Nat.

"Is everything okay with you two now?" Nat asked as soon as they walked inside. Brad and I nodded at the same time.
"Bradley dear, what happened to your hair?" My mom asked smiling at him and that caused me to look at his hair. It was practically all over the place and no, it wasn't that way when he walked in my apartment. I guess it is my masterpiece.
"Um I just felt asleep." Brad said and by the looks on my moms, Anne-Maries and Nats faces, they weren't very sure that his statement was true.

"But we left 20 minutes ago, how could you possible fall asleep that fast?" Nat asked at which I nervously bit my lip hoping that Brad will make something up, something better than 'I just felt asleep'.
"I did. I guess I was tired." He said looking at me as he expected me to react too.
"He really felt asleep, but the bell woke him up." I said smiling and hoping that they were satisfied with answers we gave them and gladly they were.

"We just came back to take your spare keys in case we stay out late." My mom said as I went to find spare keys of my apartment.
"Do you two wanna join us?" Anne-Marie asked as I handed them keys.
"I am really tired, tomorrow maybe." I said at which Brad nodded.
"Me too." He agreed. "You three have fun." He continued and with that three of them left.

"You did it again." Brad broke a short silence that was between us.
"What I did now? Enlight me please." I said having no clue what he talked about.
"You bit your lip and I couldn't stop you." He said staying deathly few inches infront of me.
"Why you couldn't?" I asked as now inches were long gone and there was just a thin line between our lips.
"Because I couldn't do this." He said as he pressed him lips back on mine.

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