10: "Closer"

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No, we didn't sleep together. Even though our actions were heading towards that but still. Everyone was sleeping right now since it was midnight.

My mom slept with me in my room while Nat and Anne-Marie slept in guest room. Brad slept on the couch since there was no other place where he could sleep.

I was slowly tossing and turning around in my bed while trying not to wake up my mom since she has a light sleep. Something just didn't let me sleep and that something was probably all making out session with Brad earlier.

I decided to slowly get up and go to the kitchen since I was a bit thirsty. I walked on my tip toes since I didn't want to wake up my mom and as I walked downstairs I didn't want to wake up Brad.

I walked in the kitchen and opened the fridge taking the bottle of water when I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist. Before I could even react I heard 'shhh'.
My heart was beating insanely fast as I turned to see Brad.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" I yelled screamed at him.
"What?"He childishly smiled at me.
"You scared me, idiot." I said as I wanted to go but he held on me.
"That wasn't my intention." He with serious face.
"Yeah." I said rolling my eyes.
"But it really wasn't. I just wanted to hold you close." He said as he pulled me even closer to him.
"Well, I think this is close enough." I said as I hold my hands on his chest.

"Don't you think that we could be even closer?" He whispered.
"I think that this is the closest we will get ever again." I said acting cool.
"That wasn't what you were showing earlier." He said as he kissed my cheek.

"We should go to sleep." I said at which Brad gladly nodded. I started to walk but suddenly he lifted me and started to carry me.
"What the hell are you doing?" I asked holding my arms around his neck.
"You said we should go to sleep, so we are going to sleep." He said as he laid me on the couch.

"Yes. But not together." I said as I tried to get up but Brad was faster than me and as he layed down he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Brad." I whined but he just snuggled against me.
"Brad, we are not alone." I said pushing his arm from me but everything was simply useless.
"Would you like us to be alone?" He asked and even though it was dark I saw that sexy smile on his face.
"I didn't say that."
"But baby you were refering to that." He stated.

"Don't baby me." I said looking at his face.
"Okay. I will do that when we are alone." He said as he kissed my forehead.

I have litterally no idea where this book is going. Please tell me what you think xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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