3. "Whatever"

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Let me be honest. I may look like a complete ungreatful bitch but I am not. I just don't like when people force me to do things. And I will tell you one secret. I actually enjoyed the concert.

Well, it doesn't count the fact that I barely knew lyrics to one song but still I kinda had a time of my life. I didn't tell Jenny exactly that I had a time of my life because otherwise she would eat me alive with "I told you/you never listen" and similar.

" I am so happy." Jenny squealed as we walked in my apartment. I didn't say anything since I just threw myself onto my couch.
"Don't tell me that you're tired." Jenny said as she sat on the edge of the couch pinching me.
"You really need to stop torturing me." I said throwing pillow at her.
"Why don't we go in a club?" She said smiling at me but with some pleasing look.
"Now?" I asked in are-you-serious-voice at which she just nodded.
"You just go. I am not moving from here." I said closing my eyes.
"You are such party pooper." she said as she got up. "You seriously are not coming?"
"No." I barely answered since my body already started falling asleep. All I heard was that doors were slammed after which I felt asleep.

The loud banging on the door mixed with ringing bell woke me up. Honestly, I felt like I been thrown from Mars. Someone would think that I was hangover but I was just trying to realise that I am awake.

I slowly walked toward doors since any faster actions would probably result with me stumbling or tripping over myself. I opened just to reveal Jenny holding two cups of coffee and paper bag with donuts.

"Good morning." She said in happy voice walking past me while I was still adjusting to the morning. I glanced at the watch on the wall just to see that it is 8 am. How in the world Jenny can be this happy and hyperactive at this time? I feel as if train went over me multiple times.

I closed the doors and had no intentions to look where Jenny went. So I just went back to the couch. My peaceful moment was disturbed the second Jenny appeared in the living room.

"Why do you slept there?" She asked putting the coffee and donuts at the table.
"Because I was too tired to move in my bedroom." I said rolling my eyes.
"Whatever." She said taking a sip of coffee. I hoped that she will just sit there in silence but my hopes were quickly ruined.
"You won't believe what happened last night." Jenny started and I knew that my attempts of
possible falling asleep again were misearble.

"I went in that cute bar down your street and met with girls from uni." She said expecting me to say something at what I just nodded slowly getting myself into sitting position.

"And we ordered drinks until something happened." Jenny sometimes loved to make her story more interesting with adding billion pauses and saying completely unimportant things.
"What? Brad Simpson walked in?" I said ironicly taking my coffee at which Jenny screamed. I swear, I almost dropped my coffee because of her reaction.
"Jesus Jenny. Calm down a bit."
"He walked inside along with Tristan, James and Connor." She said smiling but with some tears in her eyes.

"Did you run towards them and hugged them all?" I said shaking my head because that is the most likely thing that Jenny would do.
"Actually, they walked towards us." She said biting her lip.
"You were probably the only ones in that bar since they came to you girls." I said sipping my coffee.
"Why you gotta be so rude?" She said looking directly in my eyes.
"I am not rude. I am just realisting." I said rolling my eyes and came to the conclusion that I really have to stop doing that.

"However. They came up to us and started to talk." Jenny continued. "They recongnized me from the meet and greet but what was more interesting was the fact that will surprise you." She said again making the story even longer than it actually is.

"Brad asked where were you." Jenny said as if we asked whether I want to marry him.
"Yeah sure." I said rolling my eyes which caused me to mentally slap myself.
"He did, Lily. He even asked for your name and maybe for one more thing." She said looking around like she was scared to look me in the eyes.
"What did you do?" I asked leaving my coffee.
"I may or may not have given him your number." She said innocently. I started at her in shock.

"Wait, let me just revise what you've said. You are saying that you gave my number to complete stranger who asked where I was." I said in one breathe.
"First of all he is not stranger." Jenny said pointing her finger at me. "Second of all you could use someone as him in your life." She said smirking at me. I just shook my head still not believing what she is saying.

"I don't know why I stress about it when he won't even use my number to contact me."

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