7. "Darling"

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Brad and I were awkwardly sitting in the garden. Deathly silence was hanging in the air and all I hoped for was that Anne-Marie will appear and break this horrific moment.
I had a feeling as if the minutes weren't passing by and as if we were frozen in time since non of us moved and Anne-Marie still didn't appear.

"This is ridiculous." I said more for myself but of course Brad unfortunately heard it.
"It is. Maybe you should start to talk." He said looking me in the eyes which he last did when we were in the house, few minutes ago which feels as few hours ago.
"Well obviously I will have to, since you have no balls for it." I said already pissed off. He had a weird effect on me. In one moment I want to kiss him and in the other one I feel as if I want to kill him.

"I have no balls?" He whispered yelled since he didn't want his mom to her our convo.
"I know it hurts your manhood but darling, there is nothing to be ashame of." I said with a sarcastic smile written on my face.
"You won't get away with that." He said as his mom walked in the garden and he walked in. Finally, because if she didn't come, things between Brad and me would escalate.

Anne-Marie showed me what type of dress she wants and I really liked her idea about it. I drew few sketches just to show her idea on paper and she was satisfed with all of them, so I gave her time to decide which one will be her final decision. I told her to call me when she decides because now was my time to go home.
I hugged Anne-Marie and went to my car when Brad appeared next to me.
I ignored him and just walked up to my car, unlocking it.

"You won't go away that easily." He said leaning at my car.
"Hmmm, that's what you think." I said as I opened my door.
"What you said to me, was rude." He said as he closed the door which caused me to roll my eyes at him.
"Correction, was true." I said opening the door once again.
"Double correction, was rude." Brad said as he closed the damn door.
"What you did back there was rude too. If we are already talking about rude things." I said as this time I don't open the door since I know that Brad would close it again.

"What I did?" He said furrowing his eyebrows at me at which I just nodded.
"You didn't seem as if you were bothered back there."Brad said as he came closer to me.
"It looked as if you were enjoying the moment, even more it looked like you wanted it to happen." he continued as he stood very close to me.

I tried to put some words in the sentence but nothing came out of my mouth. Simply nothing.
"Did I just left you speechless?" Brad smirked which caused me to bite my bottom lip.
"Stop doing that." He said as he looked at me.
"Stop doing what?" I said having no clue what he's talking about.
"Biting your lip." He said looking at his feet as if he was embarrassed for saying that.

"Well, guess what Bradley, I can do whatever I want." I said opening the door of the car and to my surprise Brad doesn't close it.
"Of course you can, darling." He said as he pressed his lips to the corner of my lips and with that he left. Soft trace of his lips on tiny part of mine.

It took me some time to proccess his action because now, more than anything, I wanted to feel his lips fully on mine. And I repeat, fully.

 And I repeat, fully

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