4 ~ Snapchat

638 37 7

Not edited 😬

Narrators POV

Call Anna cliché but she thinks today was planned, that fate decided about this day.
Her and Rebel sat at the mid section of the bus, right side. As Kendrick looked out the window she proceeded to think about the catastrophe of a day that they had just experienced.

She had too many questions and her fingers weren't enough to count them. She thought about who could've broken into the school. Whose father it was, and Brittany.


That damned red head was still stuck into her memory. It was quite strange actually, that she randomly bumps into the cute girl and then suddenly she's thinking about her more than those teenagers in cliché romance movies think about their crush.

As they pass the many buildings of Miami, Rebel snaps the short girl out of her thoughts.

"Yo shorty what are you thinking of? A certain.... someone?" She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively but jokingly.

"Oh you bitch! I'm thinking about what happened at school... not..." Anna begins, the slight blush on her pale cheeks becoming a darker shade. "Not Brittany...."

"HA I KNEW IT! I said nothing about that little ginger! Sooo do you think she's cute?"

"Oh my gosh Rebel Wilson cut it! I don't like her alright?" Anna said frustrated and a bit too loud, as a few of her peers side glanced at her strangely.

"Okay I'll drop it geez. For now."


Anna's stop was approaching. Even though her dad is the principal of her public school, it wasn't enough. Her mother had left them when she was very little, so instead of two incomes coming in, they only had one.

She grabbed her bag and said goodbye to Rebel, thanking the bus driver and walking off the bus, down the steps, and across the road.

She passed the many buildings. Many different colours, shapes and sizes. There were tiny colourful ones, big two story ones with barely any colour.

The short girl finally reached her destination. Walking up the pathway and putting her key into her front door, she took a breath to think.

"Number 71, here I am. This is.... home..."

Anna crawls out of her thoughts and pushes the front door open. Immediately taking off her shoes and practically sprinting to her room, shouting the door tightly.

Her dad wasn't home yet, and wouldn't be until another 7 hours. Considering it was only 10:30 in the morning.

And as if on cue, she gets a Snapchat notification, her buzzing iPhone brightening up with life for a brief moment.


Anna smiled without her brain even knowing. She really, deep down, knew that something about this girl was different.

Brittany😝: hey Anna are you okay? After the whole you know.... Lockdown... thing....

Anna🎤: Me? ME?! You're asking me if I'm okay when you were the one crying in my shoulder nonono Brittany are you okay? :3

Brittany😝: yes girl I'm fine! I guess. How are you shorty?

Anna🎤: oh no not you too. First Alexis, then Rebel now you. Do NOT call me shorty unless you wanna be shoulder barged ever time you say it

Anna was slightly confused. She had never been so comfortable to someone she only just met less than a day ago. Even with Rebel and Alexis she wasn't like this.

Brittany😝: Okay what ever you say

Brittany😝: shorty

Anna🎤: 😒

Brittany😝: 💖

Anna🎤: 😶

Brittany😝: wait wait wait. Alexis? As in Alexis Knapp?

Anna🎤: yes. One of my only friends that I trust. Why?

Brittany😝: didn't you know!?!?! She was the one that got shot!!

Anna🎤: ......

Anna🎤: WHAT


Anna's throat tightened quickly. Was Alexis actually the girl that got shot? She was tying between trusting the ginger and not believing her. Alexis couldn't of gotten shot!

Or could she?

Anna sighed and got up, and made her way to the kitchen. She got out her phone and rang Alexis.

They made up a system to call one another regularly. If they picked up on the first 1-5 rings everything was fine, but if they didn't you would know somethings up.

She shakily presses on Alexis' contact in her phone, and pressed call.













"Hey you've reached the phone of Alexis Knapp! Please call again later, if you want I mean you don't have to.... yeah bye."

Kendrick's eyes widened.

Brittany wasn't lying.

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