Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I watched Luke walk away with a frown on my face. I saw Austin look at me out of the corner of his eye, “What was that about?” he asked me. I just shrugged, pretending I didn’t know, “I have no clue, but I’ve got to go. Just stay here until Luke gets back and don’t let those kids, or him, beat you up too much.” I smiled slightly and then got out of there quickly.

I knew exactly why he was acting that way, but I wasn’t going to let Austin know that Luke had confessed to me. Adult males are very protective over there mates and I don’t want to cause any unnecessary drama. I sighed trying to push out all the thoughts in my head and went to the indoor training facility we have.

When I walked into the door I was surprised to see so many women here. Usually they just liked to stay home and be the perfect housewife, but I guess with the new threat they want to refresh their fighting skills. I looked around and it is a much better turn out than I had expected, maybe 25-30 people from the pack are here and I smiled inwardly.

Many of them nod to me respectfully as I pass by and I nod back. I make it to the front of the room and begin to do some of my warm up stretches, most people following in suit.

“Okay,” I began, “Let’s get to work!” I said, projecting my voice across the room. I started everyone off by paring them with partners and let them do some simple hand to hand sparring. After they had finished that, I put them into groups and they did four on one sparring. I told them how to avoid and counter the situation. They all learned very well, which made me happy knowing my pack had a sense of security.

With a few small breaks in between, we finished in just a little over an hour. I dismissed everyone and told them that we would be training outside tomorrow. When I was about to walk out of the door Austin mind-linked me, ‘Hey.’ He said. I forgot he could do that because he is a part of the pack. ‘Hey,’ I mind-linked back. ‘How was training?’ I asked.

‘It was fine, Luke seemed a little off though.’ He said back, quickly. I’ll have to talk to Luke later. ‘Okay, I’ll make sure to ask him about it later, but first we need to talk. Meet me at my office in 5 minutes.’ He says a quick, ‘okay’ and I make my way to the pack house.



Austin was already in my office when I arrived. When I walked in he stood up quickly from the chair he was sitting in and smiled at me nervously. I smiled back involuntarily. When he smiled that little smile, it made me just want to smile ever though I hate to smile.

            I went behind my desk and took my seat and Austin sat back down in the seat he was in before I arrived. Austin started the conversation before I could even open my mouth, “I will answer anything you ask me. I won’t lie to you I promise.” He said.

“Okay, let’s start off with why you were trespassing in the first place?” He sighed and bit his lip. Good lord, that was attractive. He just needs to stop so I can concentrate on the serious conversation we are starting. “Well, your father sent me to try and scope out weak spots in your boarders so we could easily get in.” He said looking at me.

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