Chapter 6

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I wake up to voices booming around me and my eyes too heavy to open. Why are my eyes shut anyways? The last thing I remember was speaking with Luke. I tried to open my eyes this time, but they still felt like they weighed a ton. I scrunched up my face and tried harder this time and I prevailed.

Looking around me I realized I was no longer in the woods; I was in my room. Luke and Austin were both at the foot of my bed arguing, “I’m going to ask you one more time, Luke. You can’t say you didn’t do anything because I could feel everything she was feeling. You scared her and made her upset. What did you do and say to her?” Austin said lowly.

Luke stood there with a straight face and had his arms crossed over his chest. I remember exactly what Luke told me and I’m not sure if I’m ready for any type of war. “It’s her choice to tell you, not mine.” He responds coolly. They both still hadn’t paid any attention to my waking up.

Austin looks very frazzled and Luke looks calm and collected like he usually is. I go to talk this time and I clear my throat before I do to get both of their attention. They immediately stop the stare down they were having and look at me; Austin is the first to my side. He grabs my hand and sparks ignite my body. Those sparks distract me for a second and I then realize what I wanted to ask in the first place, “What happened to me and how did I get into my room?”

“You fainted, May.” Austin says and brushes a strand of hair out of my face. “Oh.” Is all I can say. Did I faint because of panic? Did I faint because I was becoming weak? I despise the idea of becoming weak. I have to be strong for my family and my pack.

Luke soon breaks me from my thoughts and asks, “Do you remember what we talked about?” I nod in response. “Okay, I’ll leave you two to talk.” He politely excuses himself and leaves the room.

“Sorry you had to wake up to that.” Austin starts after Luke leaves. He sounds nervous, like I’m going to kill him for yelling or something. I chuckle at him and his eyebrows knit together in confusion, “Why are you laughing?”

“You.” I say simply. “You have the tough guy act going for you, but then in reality you’re just a big softy.” His expression shifted right into an arrogant smirk, “Only for you, babe.” He winks. 

Heat rises immediately to my face and there’s no use trying to stop it. I realize he’s still standing and scoot over to the side of the bed instead of lying in the middle. He takes that as his cue and he throws himself on my-our bed earning a chuckle out of me.

We sit in comfortable silence and I think how nice it is to have a mate in this moment, but yet I still don’t like the idea of having a mate. He takes me out of my thoughts and rests his hand on my leg, “What did you guys talk about?” He asks curiously.

This is no time for secrets and I have to tell him. I tell him about all the reasons Luke is acting the way he does around us and how he is now trying to lose those feelings for me. I can tell by this point Austin’s anger is starting to boil over because of his jealousy and I lay my hand on top of his to try and sooth him. Now this is the part I do not want to say out loud because it will sound truer leaving my mouth.

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