The Man in the Cloak

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Ok so this is my first fanfic ever and I don't typically share many of my writings other than poems. So feedback is very helpful and I can handle criticism. So please tell me what you think, good and bad. I'm sorry for any OOC or any thing I don't explain very well... Many thanks though if you read it through! 

I don't own Fairy Tail...

So shall we begin?


"L-Levy..." mumbled a barely conscious Droy who lay beaten next to an unconscious Jet wh was also laying on the forest floor just outside of Magnolia.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" screamed the cloaked mage as he kicked Droy on the head, succesfully knocking him unconscious. "Now, where was I?" he said with a sly grin as he looked at Levy, who was tied and gagged laying on the ground.

"mmph mphhphphhh mphhh" She kept trying to speak, but with her bloody and dirty headband in her mouth she could barely even mumble.

"What was that dollface? I can't understand you when you talk like that. Pity it had to come to this actually, I was planning on just taking you and vanishing until your little friends here got in the way. Such a pity dollface, don't you think?" He said looking back and forth between her and Jet and Droy. 

"Mmmpppphh mpmmmh mmhmhmmppphhh" Levy kept trying to speak but was still unsuccessful. But Levy isn't dumb, and she noticed that every time her jaw moved against the cloth gagging her that it would come a little looser. So she kept trying to "talk" when in reality she was actually just making random mumbles and noises. With one final "MMMMMM", she spit the cloth out of her mouth and scrame as loud as she could. 

The cloaked mage instantly jerked his head back over to Levyand started walking to her. "Now Dollface, be a good girl and SHUT UP!!" he screamed as he kicked her in the side of the head, causing her vision to momentarily blur. 

"No.... I'm a wizard of Fairy Tail. I won't give in so easily." She said while gritting her teeth in both anger and pain. She started to wiggle her hands and fingers trying to see if she had enough room in her bindings to cast a solid script to free her from her bindings. 

The mage picked her up by her hair causing her to scream in pain. "Listen here Dollface, and listen good. You're gonna come with me and you're gonna do as I say. Unless of course you wanna go back to your precious little guild in pieces." He sneered as he pressed a dagger up under her ear and pressed until she felt blood slowly leaking from the hairline incision. "I'll even send your little friends here back with you Dollface. So choose. He finished as he threw her to the ground. 

"I-I choose... I choose SOLID SCRIPT: FIRE!!!!" she yelled as her bindings went up in flames behind her back. She quickly pulled her arms free and threw the rope to the ground, barely wincing at the burns on her arms.

"SOLID SCRIPT: FIRE!" She threw the spell at his face, shocking him enough to where he didn't have time to dodge. "SOLID SCRIPT: LIGHTNING!" She hit him in the chest with the spell, causing him to spasm. "SOLID SCRIPT: STORM!" Her spell threw him against a tree. "SOLID SCRIPT: HOLE!  SOLID SCRIPT: BOULDER!"  She yelled in quick succesion causing him to fall and become crushed. 

By the time she had him crushed under the boulder she was panting and leaning against a tree out of exhaustion from fighting previously and just now. Her magical energy had already been running slightly low and now she felt as if she was completely drained. 

She looked up as she heard the sound of something slithering through the grass and leaves of the forest floor. She gasped in fright as she saw a huge snake slithering out of the hole that the mage had previously been crushed in. She screamed in even more fright as the snake raised its head  up off the ground and started to turn into the cloaked mage from before. 

"Now, now Dollface... Lets not play dirty shall we?" He hissed at her in anger. 

The man reached up and took the hood from his head and levy had to bite down on her hand to keep from shrieking again. 

His skin was nowhere to be seen. He only had muscle and tendons and... were those supposed to be teeth? She scrame in her head as she looked at the white points that looked more like rows of solid white toothpicks. She finally looked to his eyes and knew she had made a mistake. 

"Sleep."  Was the last thing Levy heard as she felt her eyes start to droop and unconsciousness seize her. 

She dreamed of cold and hard glowing white eyes and of the man's fleshless face. That was until her mind turned to a certain pair of red eyes and long black hair.


Back in Magnolia...

A certain fire dragon slayer and celestial wizard were holding hands while walking along the outskirts of the forest, taking the 'long way' back to the guild from a job, when all of a sudden Natsu stopped dead in his tracks and sniffed the air towards the trees. 

"Natsu... Natsu what is it?" Lucy asked a little on edge as she gripped his hand a little tighter. 

"Levy." Was all he said before he sprinted into the forest yelling behind him at Lucy to go get help from the guild. 

Lucy stood shocked for a moment before she sprinted off towards the guild as fast as she could. She cut through town to get there quicker and bumped into many people and even knocked over part of a stand selling who-knows-what in her hurry, shouting sorry as she went. 

When she saw the guild she almost stopped in relief at finally seeing her destination but ran even harder fearing for her friend. As she burst through the doors, everyone turned to look at her and she only said one word.


Before getting cut off by a very tall and very gruff Iron Dragon Slayer. 

"Where?" He ground out through clenched teeth while staring at her with his piercing red eyes.

"The forest-" was all she got out before the tall man pushed past her and ran out the doors, following Lucy's scent to the tree line before coming upon Natsu's scent and the faint smell of Levy.

He charged through the forest like a madman trying to find the Shrimp and figure out why he smelled so much goddamn blood. 


Ok so I will update if I get any reads. Tell me if it's actually any good too. 

Thanks if you read this far and read it through!

<3 Demon_of_an_Angel


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