Where did they go?

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So I had this all typed up and when I hit Save it closed out my window andeverything deleted. So here goes round two. It might not be as great as it was the first time. Please tell me what you think. Like, comment, vote, do nothing, whatever. Its up to you. 

I don't ownFairy Tail.

So Shall we begin?



I start to run to Levy and turn around to see no one behind me. 

"Erza?? Lucy?? Where did you guys go??" I shout but I hear no reply other than a weird cackle from in front of me. 

I turn to see who or what it was and I scream in fright before shouting a Sky Dragon's Wing Attack which effectively threw it into the trees on the opposite side of the clearing. I run over to Levy and start to heal her. All of a sudden I see a snake slithering towards us. It leans its head up and turns into that man from before. 

"Sky Dragon's Roar!!" I yell and my attack once again sends him flying to the trees, but this time there is a sickening CRACK as the tree he hit snaps from the impact. 

I turn back to healing Levy and look to the trees searching for Lucy and Erza, even Gajeel or Natsu, but I don't see anyone. Suddenly I turn around and the man lunges and grabs me by the throat and lifts me up off the ground to where my feet dangle below me. 

"Your friends can see and hear you and everything going on in this little cage of mine. I don't know how you got in here but you will be dead by the ti-" He says but suddenly shrieks in what sounds like pain as he drops me to the ground and I gasp for breathe. I look over to see Levy lying on the ground awake with her hand on his ankle. 

I rush over behind her and help her sit up. All of a sudden I hear Gajeel's voice yelling "GET OVER HERE DAMMIT!! GET AWAY FROM THAT CREEP WHILE HE'S DOWN!!" 


I slowly start to regain my senses and I crack open my eyes only to have them flutter shut again. Come on Levy, you have to. I say to myself as I once again open my eyes, but this time they stay open and I see that man holding Wendy up in the air by her throat. 

Without thinking I reach out and grab his ankle while quickly and quietly casting Solid Script: Heat Spell! 

He yells out in what sounds like pain and drops Wendy to the ground as she gasps for air. 

She looks over to me and rushes over to help me sit up. 

All of a sudden I hear Gajeel's voice yelling "GET OVER HERE DAMMIT!! GET AWAY FROM THAT CREEP WHILE HE'S DOWN!!" 

I look over at Wendy then look around, but I don't see anybody other than Jet and Droy still lying unconscious on the ground. 

"Wendy... Jet and Droy..." I say and she nods and goes to heal them some. 

I look back at the fleshless man see his leg is charred black but there is no skin underneath the burnt away bits of his pants. I look up and see him almost in a trance like state. 

"DO IT AGAIN!!!!" I hear Natsu's voice shout, so I cast a Solid Script: Heat Spell on his other ankle. 

All of a sudden I see Gajeel and Natsu and Erza and Lucy. Gajeel starts to fall forwards but jumps up right and takes a step towards me with a weird look on his face. All of a sudden he rushes over and starts to beat the skinless man in front of me.

I see Erza and Natsu go over to check on Wendy but Lucy walks over to me. She squats down beside me and looks at me with concerned eyes. I reach out and hold on to her as I pull myself up to standing. I feel slightly dizzy for a moment but it passes quickly. 

I let go of Lucy and reach my hand out to rest it on Gajeel's arm. He turns around and looks ready to swing before he sees that it's only me. I see his eyes soften slightly before he turns around and looks at the man and growls low and deep in his throat.

"Gajeel..." I whisper, but I know he hears me by how he slightly tenses.

He turns around and looks me dead in the eye for what seems like forever. I feel like he is looking into my soul before he jerks his gaze away and looks me over from head to toe before growling once again. "Yer never leavin my side again Shrimp." He grinds out between clenched teeth.

"OI! TITANIA!!" He shouts over his shoulder at Erza and she turns her head to him in acknowledgement. "TAKE THIS DAMN CREEP TO THE COUNCIL!!" He yells again before gently picking me up bridal style and walking over to Natsu, Lucy following behind us. 


"Oi, Salamender!" I glare at Natsu.

"What ya stupid metal head?" Natsu glares back at me but smirks when he sees the Shrimp in my arms. I growl at him.

"Get those two damn cheerleaders back to the guild. Titania's got that creep over there." I motion with my head behind me to where Erza has him tied up and on her shoulder like a ragdoll. 

I turn and start walking back to the guild with the shrimp in my arms, her small head resting on my shoulder and a slight pink tinge to her cheeks. 

"Hey Gajeel?" She murmers quietly and I grunt in reply.

"I won't leave your side... so please... please don't leave mine..." she mumbles so quietly that I barely hear her even with my enhanced hearing. I look down and see her cheeks are tinted a deep red. 

"I don't plan on it Shrimp." I say to her and I mean it. I need to protect her. It's my purpose in this life, a way to try and make up for what I did. 

I hear her breathing slow as she drifts off into unconsciousness, from pain or exhaustion I don't know but I walk faster as I head towards the guild. 

Come on Shrimp... Just a little farther...

The guild hall comes into view and as soon as I go through the doors I hear murmers and gasps. The demon barmaid comes over and pushes the hair off of Shrimp's face to reveal a long and deep gash across her forehead. 

The barmaid turns and heads towards the stairs and says "Follow me." 

We head to the infirmary and I lay Levy on a bed before I sit in the chair by her bed and just stare at her as she goes to get the Master and Porlyusica. 

"Dammit Shrimp... you weren't supposed to leave my side. Never again ya hear?! Never again..." I say to her sleeping face before taking her hand and squeezing it before leaning back in the chair to wait while I watched over her.


Ok. So it's different from what I had first typed out, so tell me what you think. 

Like, comment, vote, do nothing, whatever. Its up to you. But please review (: 

Many thanks if you read it through!!

<3 Demon_of_an_Angel


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