The Barrier

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Luce is holding my hand... She smells so good... I think Happy might be right for once...Where is he anyways?

As me and Luce were passing a another random tree in the forest I stopped dead in my track and sniffed the air.

"Natsu... Natsu what is it?" I hear Lucy ask as she grips my hand a little tighter.

"Levy." Was all I said before taking off and following her scent into the forest.

"Go back and get help from the guild!!" I yell over my shoulder at her and I hear her footsteps running off to get help. Normally I wouldn't bother, but I have a bad feeling... and that doesn't happen often...

I keep running through the forest and I pick up the smell of Jet and Droy- is that...fried chicken?

I momentarily stumble until I realize it was probably just Droy.

All of a sudden I see them up ahead and I see a weird man wearing some kinda cloak kick Droy in the head and start talking to Levy. His voice sounds funny...I think to myself right before I run into some kind of barrier.

I see Levy tied up and laying on the ground but all of a sudden she screams as she spits out what looks like her headband.

I try to go to her to beat up that jackass' face but i keep hitting this stupid invisible thing!!

"GRAHHHH!!!! WHY CAN'T I GET THROUGH?!?!?!" I yell frustrated and start hitting it and kicking it and attacking it but nothing works and I still can't give that asshole Fire Dragons Iron Fist to the face!!

I see him kick her in the head and try even harder but nothing works. I bet Lucy could get that weird maid chick to dig up under this thing... I think as I hit it over and over and over... and... .... over?

"WAIT! THAT"S IT!!" I shout as I start to dig as fast as I can.

I hear Levy scream again and I hear that weird voice threaten to send her back to the guild in little pieces and then I hear a thump like something being thrown to the ground.

All of a sudden I hear Levy yell her SOLID SCRIPT: FIRE attack and then I see a familiar looking Iron Fist jump above me only to collide with that stupid barrier thing and slowly slide down and land on the ground pissed off.

"HAHAA you can't get through either metalhead!"

"SHUT UP YOU FLAMEBRAINED IDIOT AND HELP ME GET THE SHRIMP OUTTA THERE!!" He yells and the look in his eyes makes me squeak out  a quick "AYE SIR!" before digging again.


I looke up as I hear the doors to the guild burst open hopin' to see the Shrimp and even her two little lap dogs, but all I see is bunny chick lookin outta breath and like she'd been runnin all the way here.I don't think too much of it other than that she was runnin from that flamebrained idiot Salamander like usual. Until I hear her say the one word that filled me with dread.

"Levy-" was all she got out before I stood up and asked "Where?"

She looked up and said "The forest-"

and tthat's all I heard before I pushed past her and ran following her scent until I got to the tree line where I caught Natsu's ashy scent and the faint smell of Levy. I ran following that until I picked up her two lapdogs nasty smell- is that fried chicken? I growled low in my throat when I heard a scream and ran even harder.

I saw levy's blue hair through the trees and a random ass hole with dirt bein' flung outta it like someone was diigin' a few feet away from her. As soon as I got close enough I covered my fist in Iron Scales and lunged for that weird ass guy in the cloak only to collide with some kinda barrier and slide down like an idiot. Which only pissed me off even more.

"HAHAA you can't get through either metalhead!" I hear that stupid Salamander say from insiide that weird ass hole.

"SHUT UP YOU FLAMEBRAINED IDIOT AND HELP ME GET THE SHRIMP OUTTA THERE!!" I yell at him and when he looks at me he squeaks out a quick "AYE SIR!!" before going right back to digging that stupid hole.

I keep hitting that stupid barrier thing and attack it with a few Iron Dragon's Roar's but nothin' works and I realize Salamander might have the right idea for once and turn my arms into pick axes and start to try and dig under this piece a crap shield.

I hear Levy attack that guy and then it goes quiet so I peek my head out of my own stupid hole to see the shrimp leanin against a tree and that weird guy nowhere to be seen. I see a big ass snake slithering out of a hole that Levy must've attacked with and as it lifts it's head up it starts to turn into that cloaked man from before and I hear Levy scream. I don't blame her though cuz that's some weird ass shit.

"Now, now Dollface... Let's not play dirty shall we?" the man hisses at her and takes off his hood and I hear Levy gasp. That guy has no fucking skin! And what the hell is up with thos teeth?! And why are his eyes glowing?? I scream in my head before I hear him say one word.


And then Levy falls to the ground unconscious.

"GRAHHH" I scream with all the rage and frustration I have at not bein' able to get to the freakin' shrimpans start to dig again as I hear people come running behind me towards us but I dont look up and just keep tryin to get to the shrimp.

Once I get her she ain't never leavin my side again. I mutter to myself as I hear the Titania and Bunny Girl run into that same damn barrier and I look up to tell em to help us dig around the damned thing,

But then the weirdest thing happens. And it pisses me off but makes me smirk at the same time.

I see Wendy get through.

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