Library romance (ChiakiBear)

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'Time to head to the library with Chiaki, my beautiful gamer.' Aki thought, with happiness.

She got dressed, eats her breakfast, and wears her glasses. Then, she went outside. There, Chiaki was waiting for her outside.

Chiaki wears a monomi sweater, a skirt, black socks and white Mary Jane shoes. She even has her cat backpack and is holding her Sony PSP.

Chiaki looks at her and smiles.

"Hi Aki! You look so cute with your glasses." Chiaki said.

"And you look cute in that outfit." Aki said, blushing.

Chiaki and Aki walk together to go to the library. Chiaki was busy playing a video game in her Sony PSP.

Suddenly, they heard a cruel laughter.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't that four-eyed geek who is obsessed watching anime which is a baby cartoons. What a loser!"

Both of them turned. Aki's face was pale. It was her bully, Brittney, her friends, Kelly and Tina.

"Yeah. You look ridiculous wearing those glasses!" Kelly said, with a laugh.

"i can't this other girl is hanging out with the biggest loser in the world!" Tina laughs.

"Leave me alone! Anime is not a baby cartoon!" Aki said, feeling like she is about to cry.

"Awww! Is the baby about to cry~" Brittney cooed in a mean way.

Chiaki had enough. She is not going let those girls bully Aki.

"Hey! You two better leave her alone. You guys don't want to see the bad side of me!" Chiaki said, angrily.

Brittney smirked and pushes Chiaki down on the sidewalk, hard.

"Chiaki!" She shouted with worry as Aki went by Chiaki's side.

Brittney looks at the Sony PSP on the sidewalk that Chiaki drops when she pushed her. This gave her an idea.

"Guess you don't need this stupid toy, bitch!" Brittney laughs and steps on Chiaki's Sony PSP.

She continued to step on it until it was broken into pieces. Chiaki watch the whole scene in horror.

"My Sony PSP!" Chiaki screams as She gets up. She looks at it and her console got completely destroyed.

"Why do you care about that stupid console? Videos games are for losers!" Brittney asked, with an evil laugh, along with Kelly.

That's when Chiaki's face got dark. Aki backed away from her, knowing that she is about to teach them a lesson.

"You just messed with the wrong girl!" Chiaki growls and punches Brittney in the nose.

Brittney was shocked at the impact and touches her nose, which is bleeding. Kelly was shocked as well.

"You are so dead, bitch!" Brittney yells as she throws another punch.

Luckily, Chiaki dodges her punch quickly and did a super move on that blonde bully.

"Heaven slaying dragon fist!" Chiaki yells as she punches Brittney.

"AHHHH!" Brittney screams as she flew into the air and landed into a pile of mud on some neighbor's lawn.

Brittney was covered in mud. She looked at herself, shocked.

"My dress got ruined!" She ran off, crying.

Chiaki got into a fighting position and looks at Tina and Kelly.

"WHO'S NEXT?!" Chiaki shouts in angry.

Tina and Kelly ran away, screaming in fear.

Aki smiles at Chiaki. 'Yep! That's my gamer waifu! ' She thought.

"Sorry about your console. I got an idea! I can give you my Sony PSP." Aki said.

Chiaki smiles brightly. "Thanks AGeekyBear! You're the best!" She said as she hugs her.

Aki blushes and the couples continue to head to the library.

Finally, they arrived at the library and went inside. There are only a few people.  Chiaki and Aki went to look for books.

Chiaki found the perfect books for Aki.

"Hey hey! i found a couple of mangas that you always loved." Chiaki whispers as she showed her the mangas.

Aki looks at the mangas and felt extremely happy. She knew that she can't do fangirl scream in the library so Aki has to do it quietly.

"Oh my god! i love puella magi madoka magica! Thank you!" She whispers, excitedly.

Chiaki smiles and nods. Once, Chiaki finds her books, they went to a table and starts to read.

Aki peers over her book to see Chiaki's cuteness. Chiaki's eyes were filled with interest when she reads anything that is video game related.

'My waifu looks so adorable when she reads.' Aki thought. Then, Chiaki looks at her and smiles. Aki blushes and hid her face behind her manga book.

They have been reading their books for twenty minutes. Aki looks at the window. It was raining outside.

She looks at the ultimate gamer. Chiaki was asleep. Her chin is on top of her arm on the table. Her book was next to her.

Aki founds it cute when Chiaki sleeps.
She gently shakes her shoulder.

"Wake up, my sleeping beauty~" Aki whispers and kisses her on the cheek.

Chiaki wakes up and blushes.

"Thanks for freeing me from this sleeping curse, carebear." Chiaki giggles.

Chiaki got out two umbrellas from her backpack: the black one for Aki and the pink one is for her.

They got their umbrellas and checked out their books. Which Aki put all of their books in Chiaki's backpack.

Together, they went outside, holding hands, and went back to Aki's house.

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