i got tagged #7

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Me:" Yay! i have been tagged by my best friend, explosive-cupquake. i even invited my best girl, Kaede!"

Kaede:" Aw! Thank you for the invitation."


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1. Me:" Yes. i do like someone which is my waifu, Nagito."

Kaede:*blushes* "I do like someone very special to me."

Me:*gasps happily* "Is it Rantaro~"

Kaede:" Of course not! What makes you say that?"


2. Me:" Yes. i know Nagito loves me because I cared about him."#ProtectTheWaifu

Kaede:" I honestly don't know if the person that I liked would love me back."

3. Me:" I don't have a middle name."

Kaede:" Me neither."

4. Me:" In real life, I am single. In my fantasy world, I am taken by my beautiful waifu Nagito."

Kaede:" I am single though.However, I feel ready to ask someone on a date."

5. Me:" I texted TheTrueDemon1 in discord."

Kaede:" I texted Rantaro."

Me:" Awww!"

Kaede:*blushes* "I want to know  how's he doing on how his travels that's all!"

6. Me:" Better Now by Post Malone"

Kaede:" Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven." (It's a classical piano music)

7. Me:" 10%"

Kaede:" 71%"

8. Me:" I love all the girls in wattpad. They are amazing and they are my friends especially TheTrueDemon1, DragonKiller249, AGeekyBear, Happinessisnice, -Swordswoman-, spiccy2412, and explosive-cupquake.

Kaede:"I love the girls in Danganronpa, even Tsugumi... until she frames me for murder."

9. Me:"Honestly, I have a few guys friends that I know and they are awesome! PrinceofDarkness19, gildeye, and xhobohomosapienx are my best dudes."

Kaede:" I am friends with all the guys in danganronpa. My closest guys friends are Shuichi and Rantaro."

10. Me:" Komahina will always be my number one otp."

Kaede:" I have to Saiibo is my favorite otp. Kiibo would make an excellent boyfriend to Shuichi."

Kokichi:" AHEM! What about oumasai?"

Kaede:" Yeah. i also love oumasai since Kokichi loves to play jokes on Shuichi." *giggles*

Kokichi:*smirks* "Annnnnd Rantaro x Kaede?"

Kaede:*blushed* "Yeah. That ship is adorable."

Kokichi:" I knew it."

11. Me:" I made this account because I love to express my creative in writing and meeting new people."

Kaede:" I love to meet new people, express my love for music, and to join reaction time with my friends."

12. Me:" So, I know the question asks for current lock screen but I also wanna show you guys my home screen as well."

Here is my lock screen:

Here is my home screen:

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Here is my home screen:

Kaede:" Here's my lockscreen"

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Kaede:" Here's my lockscreen"

Kaede:" Here's my lockscreen"

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13. Me:" My birthday is on Dec 16."

Kaede:" My birthday is on

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