Me:" Hello Danganronpa fans! Today, Kiibo has an announcement to make."
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Kiibo:" Greetings, everyone! i have an exciting announcement to make. I had made my own social movement for people to join called Robot Lives Matters."
Me:" That's great, Kiibo! Why do you want to start this movement?"
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Kiibo:" I want to start this movement because I watched the playthrough of the video game called Detroit Becomes Human and what I saw was... horrible."
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Kiibo:*angry* "The humans were discriminating the androids. They said that the androids were stealing their jobs which is not true! There is even segregation."
Kiibo shows a photo from this video game.
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Me:" That's unfair how the androids were in the back. The androids should have the right to sit whatever seats they wanna sit!"
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Kiibo:" I agree! This took place in Detroit in the future. What's worse is that the humans are treating them badly such as physically hurting them and calling them in cans."
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Kiibo:" What made me sad is when... some of the androids were dumped into the junkyard, seeing them as cheap plastic toys. i even fear that one day I might end up in the junkyard." *cries*
Me:" Don't cry! You are not a cheap plastic toy or a in can. Instead, you are a human."
Kiibo:*smiles* "Thanks and that's why..."
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Kiibo:" I decided to create this social movement called Robots Lives Matter. I believe that Robots should treated like human beings and they can help humanity in a positive way."
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Kiibo:" Please join my movement so the robots' voice can be heard. Together, we can change the world! Kokichi is my assistant so he help with you."
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Kokichi:" Thaaat's right! All you have to do is spread the awareness to everybody in wattpad. To join our movement, all you have to do is write #RobotLivesMatter in the comments below and I am telling you guys the truth."
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Kiibo:"Together, we can end this discrimination on robots and make a world a better place for them!"