Me: "I decided to write a short romantic fanfic of Ransu requested by my friend, TheTrueDemon1. Ransu is the ship name of Rantaro x Sesu."
Also, here is a drawing of Sesu (from the book called Forgotten Killing) drawn by TheTrueDemon1. He is the ultimate manipulator.
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It was almost night time at the park. Sesu was sitting on the bench, feeling sad. He watches the people chatting with each other, happily.
He wishes that he had someone he can talk to and have a great time with.
Suddenly, Rantaro came by with a basketball in his hand. He saw Sesu and waves hello. The ulitmate manipulator waves back at him.
Rantaro senses that something is making Sesu sad.
He had met Sesu before. Even though they go to different high schools, they ride the same bus to get to their school.
They introduced themselves, talked about what high school they are from and that's it.
The ultimate adventurer sits next to him on the bench. He puts his basketball on his lap.
"Hey Sesu. What's wrong?" Rantaro said.
Sesu had also met Rantaro before when they ride the same bus together. He would always say good morning to him. He wish he could continue talking to him but he couldn't.
Sesu is a loner type and had trouble socializing with people at his high school. Some people bullied him and called him a lone freak.
Sesu would always sit by himself in lunch. He feels like he doesn't deserve to be happy and loved.
The purple haired teen doesn't talk about his problems to anyone because he has trouble trusting people.
But with Rantaro... he can talk to him about it since he was willing to listen and that he cares about him.
"It's just that...I feel alone and that some people in my high school are right. I'm just a lone freak who doesn't deserve to be happy." Sesu sighs, sadly.
Rantaro hates bullies and he feels sorry for Sesu. He deserve to be happy.
"Don't listen to them. You deserve to be happy." The green haired teen smiles and gently hold his hand for comfort.
Sesu blushes lightly when Rantaro hold his hand.
'The way he holds my hand is so soft and warm.' He thought, romantically.
Then, Rantaro has an idea. He got up from his bench.
"Want to play basketball with me?" Rantaro questions.
"Um... sure. Basketball is the only sport I liked to play." Sesu smiles as he went to the basketball court with Rantaro.
"Dude! I am so impressed that you played very well. You even beat me three times in a game." Rantaro said, excitedly as he purchase two hot dogs and sodas for him and Sesu.
They went to sit down on the bench and enjoyed their lunch.
"I love to play basketball with my brother. I am the oldest one." He said.
"Me too! i am the oldest one and I have twelve younger sisters I love playing with my sisters." Rantaro said, with a smiles.
"Wait a minute! You have twelve sisters?!" Sesu said as his eye widened.
"Yeah. It's true. I do have twelve sisters. I know some people that find it hard to believe it when I told them about how many siblings I have." He laughs.
"Yeah. So how's high school?" He asked.
"Oh. It was stressful but great. I joined a club called the international club. It was so much fun." He said as he drinks his soda.
"That's cool. My high school sucks because we don't have many clubs and even some of the teacher gave us too much homework. The two classes that I am struggling is Trigonometry and Spanish." He said, with frustration.
"i have an idea. If you want, you can come to my house and I can help with trig and spanish." The green haired teen replied.
Sesu smiles at him and nodded. He really enjoyed talking to Rantaro. He took out his phone along with his earphones and puts on his favorite song.
"Wanna listen to my favorite song?" Sesu said.
Rantaro nods. He shares his earphones with him. Together, they both listened to the song called Reflections by The Neighborhood.
The ultimate adventurer closes his eyes and smiles. He really enjoyed the beat and lyrics to the song. Then, he heard someone singing.
He opens his eyes and it was Sesu singing the song. Rantaro smiles and blushes.
'Sesu sings so beautifully.' Rantaro said, blushing even more.
After that, Sesu finishes singing the song. He notices that Rantaro is blushing.
"i see that you have listened to me singing." He smirks, playfully.
"Y-You sing really good." Rantaro said, timidly.
Sesu grins at him. Suddenly, Rantaro's phone made a notification sound. He looks at his message. It was his father, texting him that he has to come home right now.
"Oh shoot! I have to go home now. My Dad doesn't want me stay in the park late at night. Here's my phone number. " Rantaro said as he give him as phone number to Sesu.
"Thanks! i will let you know when I can come to you house. It's nice hanging out with you." Sesu smiles.
Rantaro nods and kisses him on the cheek.
"Bonne nuit et fais un doux rêve~" He whispers.
Sesu blushes. The way Rantaro speaks in French is so sexy.
Rantaro giggles and picks up his basketball. Before he leaves, he looks at Sesu.
"In french, it means good night and have a sweet dream." Rantaro said, as he winks at him. Then, he left the park.
Sesu smiles and also left the park. On his way home, he sighs happily.
He is definately gonna have a sweet dream and it involves his beautiful green haired waifu.