The Movie (Micarumi)

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Me:" Hello! So, this is the shipping of _Micah-Drew_ and Kirumi. I really love the ship name."


"So, what movie are you and my mom going to? Does it have needles~" Kokichi teases as he is focusing on playing his video game. He is staying in Micaela's house for a while.

Micaela shivers as she remembered the time when she and Kokichi went to see the movie that he picked which is Saw 2. She was scared but when that scene showed the needle pit, She started to scream loudly.

"First of all, Kirumi is not your mom. Second of all, it does not have needles. The movie we are seeing is called  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." Micaela replies as she founds her purse.

Kokichi pause his game and looks at her.

"Did you say Harry Potter?" He said.

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?" She said, tilting her head.

Suddenly, Kokichi starts to laugh at her.

"Hahahaha! Harry Potter is a movie for nerds! i can't believe you guys are going to a dumb nerd movie. Why do you guys wanna see it?"

"For your information, Harry Potter is not a n-"

"Wait! Let me guess! Is it because you believed in magic just like Himiko! You know magic is not real!" Kokichi laughs.

She rolls her eyes at him as he continues to laugh.

'Why am I not surprised. He's Kokichi fucking Ouma. ' Micaela thought, feeling annoyed.

After that, Kokichi begins to play his game again.

Ring! Ring!

Micaela opens the door. There, standing in front of her, is Kirumi Tojo, her beautiful waifu.

Kirumi wears a different outfit. Instead of her wearing her causal maid outfit, she wears a beautiful dress.

"Greetings Micaela

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"Greetings Micaela. Are you ready to go see the movie?" Kirumi said, smiling.

"O-Oh! Sure. You look beautiful in that dress, Kirumi." She said, blushing.

She smiles. Together, they went to Kirumi's car and drove to the mall where the movie takes place.

They finally went to reach their destination. The duo got out of her car and went inside the mall.

The line wasn't long and they were able to find it. "Can you do me a favor and buy the popcorns and drinks for you and me?" Micaela said.

"Your wish is my command." She said.

Once they are next in line, Micaela purchase the two tickets. Kirumi went to purchase the popcorns and drinks.

Micaela found their seats and both sat down.

"Here's your extra buttered popcorn, your favorite." The ultimate maid said as She gave it to her and Micaela smiles.

While they are waiting for the movie to start, Kirumi wonders about something.

"So what is the movie about? i have seen the other Harry Potter movies but not this one." She asked.

"This movie is about Harry's third year at Hogwarts. He has a new teacher. However, the convicted murderer Sirius Black escaped from Wizards' prison and is coming to get Harry." Micaela replied.

"Sounds exciting but dreadful. " Kirumi said.

Finally, the movie has started. While the movie has played, Micaela and Kirumi ate their popcorns.

Kirumi notices that there are few butter specks on her lips.

"Let me take care of that." Kirumi whispers as she gently wipes the butter specks off her lips with a napkin.

Micaela loves the way she wipes it with a napkin.

"S-Sorry about that." Micaela whispered, feeling embarrassed about that.

"No need to apologize." The ultimate maid whispers.

The movie is almost done. However, the air conditioner is making the movie theater colder.

Micaela is shivering and tries to keep herself warm. 'i should have brought my jacket with me.' She thought.

Suddenly, Kirumi takes of her black button coat and let's Micaela wear it.

"I don't want you to feel cold, Mica. " She whispers.

Micaela thanks her but she didn't want her to feel cold.

So, Micaela decides to cuddle with her by putting her arms around her and brings her closer.

"And I don't want you to feel cold either." She whispers, smiling.

Kirumi blushes. The young maid enjoys being cuddle with her.

'It feels so nice to be close to someone.' Kirumi thought, happily as she rests her head on Mica's shoulder.

Together, they finished watching the movie.


"I really enjoyed watching that movie. What do you like about this movie?" Kirumi smiles as she was driving Micaela home.

"i loved is how well written Sirius's character is." Micaela said.

"i agree. I loved the interaction between Lupin and Harry. Lupin is my favorite character." The ultimate maid replied.

Kirumi was able to reach her house. She parked her car in the driveway.

"Thank you for inviting me to the movie. The movie was great." Kirumi smiled.

"No problem. But what makes it more greater is that I get to spend time with a beautiful and kind-hearted person like you." She said.

Kirumi blushes and gently kisses her on the lips. Micaela blushes and kisses her back. It was passionate and beautiful.

Then, they broke off the kiss. They looked at each other, blushing.

"That was a beautiful kiss, Kirumi." She whispers.

Kirumi smiles, still blushing.

"Before I go, I have a request for you." She said. Kirumi nods.

"Promise me that when you are on your on the break, always take me to the movies. It will just be you and me."

Kirumi blushes and smiles at her.

"Your wish is my command, my love."

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