8. When They Call My Name

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A/N: Sorry it's taken me forever to update. Depression is a bitch. 


          We sat in the living room of Sweet Pea's trailer in a very strange silence. He hadn't answered my question yet, and I was debating whether or not to press the issue. After a few moments, I leaned over and put my head on his shoulder as I whispered, "You never answered me."

"About what?" Sweet Pea snorted, "Initiation? Come on, Dollface. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, and there's no way in hell I am letting you do the Serpent Dance."

"Okay," I started as I sat up, not even trying to keep the fire out of my voice, "First off, you don't LET me do anything. I wasn't asking permission, an if you won't help me get ready, I know Toni will. And secondly, why do you think I'm proving anything to anyone? Maybe I'm doing this because I actually WANT to."

Sweet Pea looked down at me, and it was evident that he didn't know how to take girl putting him in his place. It was a few moments before he sighed and looked up at his ceiling and mumbled, "We can start going over bylaws tomorrow. But god dammit if anyone looks at you too long on that pole..."

I smiled and put my head back on his shoulder as I laced my fingers in his, "What will you do?" I tried to keep the amusement out of my voice, but I knew I failed miserably.

"I'm not going to think about that, Dollface," Sweets sighed and squeezed my hand, "But you're my girl. I will make that abundantly clear. Just know that while you're on that stage, I'll be watching you very closely."

"Who's to say I won't be dancing for you, Yeah Boy?" I asked teasingly as I nipped at the tattoo on his neck again. We fell into a comfortable silence as Sweet Pea turned on the tv and I played with the tattoo on his finger absentmindedly. It was about ten minutes later before he spoke again.

"So. Am I taking you home tonight? It's getting late, doll," Sweet Pea checked the time on his phone as he yawned.

"My parents are on some yoga for Christ retreat, so I don't have to go. They think I'm at Cheryl's for the week, and she'll cover for me," I rested my head on his chest and smiled as his arm tightened around my shoulders.

"Well then," Sweet Pea shifted me onto his lap before standing, taking me in his arms bridal style as he did so, "I say it's time for us to go to bed."

"Sweets," I frowned, "I don't have pajamas."

"Who says we're sleeping, Dollface? Trust me, by the time we go to bed, you'll be too worn out to worry about clothes."

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