6. Good Girls Bad Guys

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            I dragged myself through the first few classes, and by lunch time everyone was staring at me and whispering. I tried to shrug it off as I sat in my usual spot beside Cheryl with the Vixens, only giving a minorly amused look to my best friend. Once the conversation resumed at the table, Cheryl leaned over and frowned.

"Did you know Reggie filmed you two fooling around?" she asked me, trying to keep her voice steady.

I sat back and shook my head, "No... He always said what we did stayed between us. Especially because nothing happened. He didn't even put it in the play book. Why?"

Cheryl pursed her lips and sighed as she pulled out her phone, "I'm going to warn you, this is graphic."

I looked at the video Reggie had shared- to Facebook no less and shuddered. Reggie and I had been all over each other downstairs at his house, and he kept insisting on taking it to his room. I finally gave in, and when we went upstairs it got bad.

Reggie demanded that I strip, and when I finished, he reached out and touched me. The way he did it was rushed and unskillful, and his insistence that I remain in my exact spot on the bed hadn't made sense at the time. I tried to tell him how to do it, but he kept telling me he knew how to do it. The video cut off where he stood up to take off his boxers, but that's not where it ended.

The real reason Reggie and I broke up was because I didn't want to sleep with him. I'd given him plenty of handjobs and blowjobs, but I never wanted to seal the deal with him. Partially because I knew about the playbook and didn't want my business spread to the whole school, but mostly because he would have been my first, and that didn't sit well with me.

I looked over at Cheryl and frowned, "Nothing happened, Cher. And now I know why he wanted to have me stay in that one spot. I didn't know he was filming this. How many shares?"

Cheryl sighed and closed her eyes, "It's made its way at the least through the school. I've tried reporting it, so have Veronica and Betty."

Fuck.My parents had no idea that I dated Reggie. As I said before, there was a strict no boys allowed rule, and there was almost no way I could talk myself out of this- except to hope that it wouldn't get back to them. I looked up at the ceiling, trying my hardest to not cry. I promised myself that Reggie wouldn't get to me, and even with this I intended to stick to that.

My phone went off in my pocket and I frowned. I checked my phone and let out a relieved sigh when I saw a text from Sweet Pea.

Yeah Boy: So. Wanna explain the video going around town?

Me: That was about a month ago, and I had no idea he was filming that. The reason there isn't sound is because I shut him down and it didn't go anywhere. He's just mad that I won't take him back, so he's trying to smear me.

Yeah Boy: ...Does this guy have a name? I see that he was careful to hide his face.

Me: Reggie Mantle. I believe you may have fought him before..?

Yeah Boy: Probably. Don't worry, Dollface. We'll get this taken care of. I'll be there after school to get you.

I put my phone back into my pocket and smiled at Cheryl, "You'll be meeting my new...whatever he is," I furrowed my brows in confusion for a moment, "After school. He's picking me up. On. His. Bike."

Cheryl smirked and sighed, "You know someone's going to tell your dad you rode off with a serpent today, right?"

"If they can reach him. He went with my mom to some "spiritual renewal" workshop with my mom. Apparently, the answer to my teen rebellion is even more Jesus," I rolled my eyes, "But his phone is off all week. So, yay me."

The rest of the day went by, and I just kinda dealt with people whispering and smirking at me as Cheryl, Betty and Veronica told them off. I didn't pay any attention, though. By seventh period, my eyes were out the window, looking at the street in front of Riverdale High and waiting to see Sweet Pea ride up.

The bell rang, and I ran out the door to find Sweets parking his bike. He leaned back against and looked at the door, trying to act like he was just checking out the scene and sneering at anyone who looked at him for too long. It wasn't until his eyes met mine that they lit up in recognition, and he subtly gestured for me to come to him.

I obeyed, and as soon as I reached him he had his arms around me, his hands on my ass and he was leaned down, kissing me roughly.

"Not that I'm complaining," I whispered as I pressed my forehead to his, "But why the burst of PDA, Yeah Boy?"

"Making a statement, Dollface. I told you, I mark my territory. After that video got leaked today, I've got a lot of people that need setting straight," Sweets smirked and squeezed my ass again, "Can't have anyone getting the wrong idea about my girl."

I was about to respond when I heard Reggie behind me, "So, this is the trash you replaced me with? Figures as much. You can take the girl out of the Southside, but once a Serpent slut, always a Serpent slut."

Sweet Pea carefully put his finger to my lips, signaling to me that I need to keep quiet for this round and stepped in front of me. He walked closer to Reggie and peered down at him before he said, "I'm pretty sure the trash is the guy that took a video of a girl without her knowing, that he had to cut the audio from because he was begging her to strip for him and because even after that poor display of foreplay, she still turned you down."

Reggie laughed dismissively, "Stand down, snake. You're outnumbered here. Why don't you take your whore back to your trailer, so she can give you a subpar handjob? It's just about all she's good for anyway."

Sweet Pea leaned forward and smirked down coldly at him as he drew his switchblade. I don't know what he said to him, but it was enough to make the color drain Reggie's face and step back. Sweet Pea handed me his helmet, and without a word we were gone.

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