Chapter 3

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{ two updates in one day, whoops 😏🙊 how's it going? I hope you don't hate it. :( let me know your thoughts 😘 XOXO }

I pulled away from the kiss, confusion written all over my face. Harry was as happy as he could be, I was speechless, Lauren started laughing, Zayn and Mikey's jaws dropped onto the concrete; Harry was the only one that seemed to understand what was going on.

"Hey baby," Harry said, one arm slung over my shoulder.

"K, hold up. What in the hell?" Lauren asked. I just stared at her, mouth open, shaking my head.

"What?" Harry said, "Didn't you tell everyone?" he asked, looking down at me. Damn him for being 10 inches taller than me.

I threw his arm off of me, and he looked confused.

"Bipolar much?" I yelled in his face, and ran off to the football field.

I was running so fast, looking back at Harry chasing after me, that I wasn't watching where I was going. I ran into someone head-on, and fell on top of him.

"Shit," I mumbled as I tried to get myself up.

"Ow, are you alright babe?" the guy asked. I stood up all the way, extending my arm out to help him up.

"I'm fine, sorry about that. I wasn't really watching where I was going," I sheepishly replied, wiping my eyes from a couple of tears that have fallen in the past few minutes.

"It's ok, don't worry about me!" he replied. I took this time to acutally get a good look at the guy I had completely embarassed myself in front of just barely.

He was tall, much taller than Harry by four inches or so. He had mostly blonde hair, except his roots were more of a dirty-blonde color. His hair was syled up up, spikey, kind of like Calum does it sometimes. Those eyes though, they're even more of a beautiful shade of blue than mine are. He was definitely good-looking.

I think he caught me staring, because he bit his lower lip, which had a piercing in it, and he laughed a little.

"I'm Luke, by the way," he said, "Luke Hemmings. I just transferred here from Sydney." Ashton's dad and Calum's mom lived in Sydney, the boys moved here in kindergarten when both of their parents split up, but they still visited Australia often.

"I'm Aly," I replied, shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Thanks babe, I've got to go, but I'll see you around? Maybe you could give me a tour of this place after school this week," he said with a wink.

I stuttered trying to answer, so I just violently nodded. Luke reached out and kissed my hand before takingg his stuff and walking away. I could hear Dani and El screaming from a few feet away.

I rolled my eyes as they came up to me, bombarding me with questions. "Oh my gosh, who was that?" "Did you get his number?" "What's his name?" "Is he single?" "I've never even seen him before in my life, did he just move here?"

I silenced them, then said, "His name is Luke, and he just moved here from Sydney."

"Sydney?" Dani asked. "Wonder if he knows Cal and Ashton."

I shrugged my shoulders, picking up my backpack.

"Okay little missy, now you have some explaining to do about a different hottie who happens to be your best friend and who also MADE OUT WITH YOU 10 MINUTES AGO!" Dani screamed in my face, and I flinched. Eleanor just stood next to her, nodding her head.

"There's nothing to say right now, I don't even know myself," I replied, my level of happiness dropping rapidly.

"Alyson Marie," Harry shouted to me while walking towards me. Dani and El realized that it was their que to leave us alone, no matter how confused they were.

"Harold Edward. Do. Not. Call me that," I said to him, feeling myself growing more feisty the closer he came towards me.

"What's wrong?" he questioned. It was the second time in 24 hours that I gave him a look of bewilderment.

"Oh, so I'm apparently always up in your business, but you can know whatever you want? It doesn't quite work like that, Harry."

"What are you talking about?" he asked, still acting completely unaware. By this time, our friends started to gather around us, listening in, but I didn't mind, and Harry didn't seem to either.

"Do you really not remember our conversation that we had less than an hour ago?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, we haven't talked since I took you home last night!" he replied. Now I was the one to be confused, my face showing it.

"Did you have your phone this morning?" I asked.

"No, I didn't have it until right before you showed up with Zayn."


"Well then, who had your phone? Because they were texting me, pretending to be you," I pulled out my white iPhone 5 and let him read the conversation. His facial features went from confused to focused to angry in a split second. He handed me my phone back as he walked away. I stayed put.

"What are you doing, Aly?!" Perrie said. "Go after him!!!"

So, all eleven of us followed Harry inside the main doors to the school, and down the hall to where the seniors' lockers are.

"Where is Brooke Verto?" Harry yelled, and everyone turned their heads.

"Harry, how are you?" the little slut called to him from across the hall, walking towards us in her 82937 inch heels.

"Why did you text Aly from my phone this morning?" he demanded and she still wore the biggest fake smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said.

"You're bluffing. You had my phone this morning, and you texted her from my phone, didn't you?" He continued on once she didn't reply. "I wonder what Ms. Reed would say about this behavior from the dance company first officer..." Harry challenged and all of the color drained from her face. I smirked.

We started to walk away when Brooke called both of our names.

"K, so what if I did text her from your phone? Obviously no harm was done. No hard feelings?" she asked, lacking confidence as she said every word.

"Hah. Good one." I said, interrupting Harry when he was going to speak. "Just you wait, Brooke. Dani and I will decide, as leaders on dance company, what your punishment will be." I looked at Danielle after I said that and she looked like she had just won a million dollars.

Brooke stomped, literally stomped her foot, on the ground before she walked off.

Harry turned to me. "I'm sorry she sent those things to you. I had no clue," he told me, as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's fine, but how did she get your phone in the first place? I'm still confused about that part."

"Oh, when I followed you out of the restaraunt, I accidentally left my phone on the table. Brooke grabbed it, and I texted it from Louis' phone last night and she said she would give it to me today before school."

Well, that explained a lot. I sighed in relief, nodding my head to show that I believed him as I leaned in close.

"Kiss me," he practically begged.

I smiled as I did just that, not caring that we were in front of our group of 10 friends, in the middle of the hallway, kissing as the tardy bell rang.

{ how was it?! do you understand now? (; I hope it wasn't too short. OMG what do you think of Luke? I wanna hear your theories. they aren't even together, yet...... but you know (: VOTE. COMMENT. SHARE. xoxoxox @lukebbysos <----- twitter :D }

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