Chapter 4

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{ whale, there's really nothing to say right now, so here's the update!!! :D COMMENT. VOTE. SHARE. }

{ OH WAIT! there is something to say!!!! I made an Instagram to go along with my wattpad and twitter. the username is the same, (@lukebbysos) and yea I just made it today so I have like 100 followers lol. so follow that if you have an insta, follow my twitter if you have one, also. (:

one more thing, the ever so lovely @maddy_sun made several different cover photos for Senior Year, yayyyyy! so, this chapter is dedicated to her and my lover, veronica, I can't remember your wattpad user lol, sorry. anyway it's decicated to her bc she puts up with all of my shit on the daily 😂😂! love you boo <3

ok I think that's all. that was a long author's note ah sorry. anyway, enjoy!!! ly XOXOXOXO }

Harry's POV.

"Kiss me," I said desperately. I had just kissed her less than 20 minutes ago, but with the drama that just happened, I felt like I lost her momentarily. Damn Brooke.

She obliged, instantly threading her fingers through my hair and my knees almost gave out from the relief of her touch. I ran my tongue across her lip several times, begging for entrance, and she still wouldn't let me. Aly pulled away slowly, a small smile on her face.

"You know," she started, "we pretty much just made out in front of our whole group of friends." I could see a blush forming on her face as she grabbed ahold of my hand.

I looked around the hallway, and sure enough, our ten other friends were all gathered around. Lauren was wide-eyed and her mouth was opened big, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Zayn's arms were wrapped around his girlfriend's, and he gave me a thumb's up while Perrie smiled at me. Danielle and Eleanor were bouncing up and down, obviously pleased with the situation, while Liam and Louis were staring at them, laughing. The three single ladies, Niall, Calum, and Michael, were all nodding in acceptance.

"Yea, screw them," I said, winking at Aly. She started laughing. Damn was her laugh the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

Literally everything about her was perfect. She is honestly so flawless. Her eyes are my favorite color of blue that reminds me of the ocean. Her hair is so long and gorgeous, it used to be very red, but now it's more of a strawberry blonde mixed with a carmel color, and it is very soft. I could run my fingers through her hair forever and not get used to how smooth it is. She's also the perfect height of 5'4'', so she comes up past my shoulder. But what I really like about her is how she's built. She isn't fat, but she isn't as skinny as a toothpick. She definitely has muscle, since she's a dancer and all, but she isn't like bulky. She's small enough to fit into a bikini, and I love seeing her in those. All of that sums up how perfect she is in every way.

"Ahem." I turned around to see who was interrupting us. Lauren.

"What do you want Lauren?" I asked, trying to sound as nice as I could even though she just ruined our moment. She looked back at me, confused.

"Wait, I'm Lauren," Lauren said. What the...? I saw Lauren, and then I saw another Lauren that was an exact replica of the first one.

"Ronnie?" Aly said quietly, disconnecting us. Now I'm really confused.

The two Laurens turned to look at each other slowly, and tears started falling the second they made eye contact.

"Ronnie, is that really you?" one of the Laurens said. I looked over at Ashton, since he is one of the Lauren's boyfriend. His eyebrows were stitched together and he clearly didn't understand a thing that was going on. That made two of us.

I turned back around to see Aly and the two identical Laurens engulfed in a big group hug. Calum and Zayn slowly walked over, eyeing the girl that was Lauren's clone or whatever she is. They all broke out into massive smiles and more hugging occured.

"Hold up. What the hell?" I asked the first Lauren. "I didn't know you had a twin."

They both smiled. The other twin, Ronnie, started speaking.

"Yea, we're twins. Born on the same day, within two minutes of each other, same hospital, same doctor, same womb," she said. All of our friends laughed awkwardly.

"Then why haven't we met you before?" Louis asked.

"It's kind of a sore subject, Tommo," Lauren replied. "Our parents split up when we were little. I moved here with Dad while Ronnie lived with Mom in Chicago. The only people who knew were Aly, Zayn, and Calum because they knew us before she left," a sad smile was present on her face.

I could tell that Ronnie was uncomfortable with everyone staring at her, so I ran up to her, picked her up, and spun her around. A fit of giggles came from her after that.

"Well, m'lady. My name is Harry Styles, and it is very nice to meet you."

She smiled back before saying, "Why thank you, Harry. It surely is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," clearly mocking my accent. I lightly bumped her shoulder, and the rest of our friends came over to officially meet her.

I grabbed Aly's hand, walking her to a bench down the hall, a few feet away from our group of ten, well, now eleven, friends.

"I am so sorry for what happened with Brooke. She's such a bitch sometimes," I tensed up a little as I tried to explain myself, but Aly cut me off by bringing our lips together for the third time in one hour.

"It's ok, Styles. Shut up and kiss me."

I smirked against her as she swiped her tongue across my bottom lip, but pulled back so I could actually talk to her.

"Aly, I like you. A lot. And I know you have feelings for me, too, but it's like we've said before; we don't want to ruin our friendsip, right?" I said, and her face dropped.

"Yea," she mumbled.

"Look, I know you've had bad experiences with boys in the past, and I don't want that to happen to us. You're my best friend, and I still want us to act like idiots with each other all the time before we get too serious. I hope I'm not offendi..."

"You're not," she interrupted, smiling. "I'm glad that you have enough respect for me to say that. I want us to have a relationship, but I also want you to date other girls."

"I want you to date other boys, too. And if you do and you still want me after them, you can have me completely," I kind of slurred the last part, hoping she didn't think I was talking about sex.

She grinned. "Deal," she said as she stuck her hand out for me to shake. We shook on it, and walked back to our friends.

I decided then and there that I would not get in the way of her dating other guys this year, I can't let my jealousy get between our friendship. No matter how hard it would be, I needed to show her that I will be here whenever she needs me and that I will love her more than anyone else possibly can. I'm going to be her Superman.

{ eh how was it? comment. vote. share. follow!!! lukebbysos - Twitter, Instagram, Wattpad. maybe I'll look up tomorrow if I can make a vine with that user XD

love you all!!!!!!! XOXO }

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