A Dreary Beginning

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The sun rose elegantly above the hills as Astrae awoke in their bed, the light looking to the world like God himself had come to bless the morning. They peered over at their night table, yawning and mumbling something along the lines of "...Where's Burlett?" Immediately after a knock sounded from beyond the door, "Sir? Are you awake?" He responded with a loud noise of tiredness and a maid walked into the room, "Ah that's good, Burlett will be in shortly. I was sent to wake you." Astrae nodded and began peeling their covers off of himself, groaning at the cold air hitting his body. The maid left and Astrae sleepily walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of clothes, towels, brushes and other things for his morning ritual.

The door opened and Burlett peered in, "Are you almost ready? Your mother is awaiting you in the dining hall, if you're late again she will murder you and me. Also you have school afterward." He groaned, "Why English of all things I don't need to know how to read things! That's what I have family for!" Astrae picked up the miniature that held his father's image and traced the outside of the painted portrait, he carefully placed it into the pocket of his outfit and walked toward Burlett. The butler sighed, "Had your father have heard that..." Burlett placed his hands together and muttered an apology, "Master if you are so set on believing that then who will write your fathers story down if not you?"

Astrae looked over at the butler, "Remind me again why you work here and not at a library?" Burlett laughed and started leading them out towards the dining hall. "Fortunately for you I'm here to educate on being a proper citizen." He looked over at Astrae who was trying to keep a straight face, "I am not joking around! Stop making that ridiculous face!" Astrae's body shook with the pure force of trying to hold in his laughter, "Me..? Laughing..? How preposterous!" The butler glared at him and opened the doors to the dining hall, revealing Mother who looked very displeased. "I could hear you two from down the hall. How... Unpleasant. I don't understand what you don't get about this. How are you ever going to get matched with someone if you're unrefined?" She gave them both an exasperated look and gestured to a chair, "Sit my lovely child." Burlett backed out of the room as Astrae scurried over to the chair, taking a seat while the rest of the servants brought out various breakfast items.

His mother hummed with annoyance, "You have a class today better hurry and finish your food so you can leave." He nodded and began putting food on his plate, picking out the best looking items. "How are you doing today Mother? I know that you've have been feeling ill." Astrae started eating the pancakes he had before him, cautiously looking up at his mother who was reading a book. "I'm fine thank you for asking. How are your studies going?" He choked and began coughing, "Oh I'm doing well thank you for asking." She peered over her book at him and sighed, placing the book down. "I don't want to be the bad guy here... I'm trying to help you..." She reached over to his face as the doorbell rang. Astrae shot up, "I'll get it!" He bolted out of the room and into the living room. The door swung open as his best friend Deeke looked in, "Hey! Are you ready to leave? We have about 20.4 minutes until first period." She smiled. Astrae nodded furiously, "Yes my mother has been hounding me about my grades. She's on to my English grade. How can I avoid my imminent death?" Deeke smiled and waved nervously. "What are you doing I'm right here?" A floorboard creaked behind him as he froze, "She's right behind me isn't she?"

His mother placed a hand on his shoulder, "Ah Miss Deeke lovely to see you. How is your mother doing?" Deeke smiled, "Mama is doing just great Mrs. Gardwell! We had quite a scare when she fell." Astrae laughed nervously, "Oh wow that's great... Oh we are going to be late, Ms. Langston may I escort you to class?' He bowed and looked up at her. Deeke laughed, curtsied, and took his hand, "Yes Mr. Gardwell that would be my most absolute pleasure!" They started walking out of the front door and down the sidewalk, talking about various things they had to do later. 

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