Moments Remembered

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After the torturous hours of school the three decided to go buy food and work on homework at a diner that was nearby. "Ol you should totally beg your dad for a car cause I'm tired of walking." "Why you should walk y-you're going to become a potato at this rate." "HEY WAS THAT AN INSULT BECAUSE I'M GOING TO TAKE IT LIKE ONE!!!" Astrae watched as they began to argue, laughing and occasionally making his own input. They all finally settled down and began working on their individual assignments. "Did you guys see what happened over in the Magnolia neighborhood?" The two boys looked up, "No. Did something go wrong with the plants again?" Astrae mumbled looking back down at his English paper trying to figure out what the hell they had been going over. "Apparently two Unmatched's collapsed while trying to do... uh... the know..." Deeke shivered and waited for the boys reactions. "They tried a ritual? An Unmatching Ceremony?" Olwin looked shocked, "H-how could they do that to their matches... I-it's so cruel." Astrae looked back up and sucked in a breath, someone trying to get rid of their match? That was unheard of in this society. Finding your match was your one way ticket to happiness and richness. The three of them continued their work until the sun was beginning to set. "W-well I'm off. I'll see you g-guys later." Olwin grabbed his bags and waved as he left the diner, Astrae looked at him. He seemed uneasy, like something was bothering him but that was nothing new when it came to Olwin. He was a nervous kid and everything worried him. Astrae looked down at his watch. 8:15. "OH SWEET HECK I'M LATE! SORRY DEEKE I GOTTA RUN!" He stood and quickly grabbed his books and bag, running out of the diner. Deeke waved to him and began picking up her bags. He sprinted down the street and skidded to a stop near the train station, panting he plopped himself down on a bench and waited for a train to arrive. He stepped on and thought about his item. It was too large to bring with him every day and he had no use to show it to anybody. Astrae found a seat by a window and sat down, pulling out his headphones and sticking them on. The soft relaxing music helped ease his nerves and soothe his concerns about his friends. He scrolled through the list of songs that appeared and looked for his favorite one. "Hmm... Oh there it is." He pressed the name and let silence fill his world. The soft beginning of Bliss played in his ears and Astrae rested his head against the glass of the window as the bright colors of the sky began to fade into nothingness. Watching the world sink into darkness was something that he enjoyed, in the end nothing that the society placed value on mattered. The world still went on with time, everything covered in darkness time and time again. He thought about his item back in his room, it was too big to carry with him and he could feel it tugging on his heart, trying to draw him home to look at it. Astrae shook his head and continued to listen to his music, he wouldn't let it pull him away from his task. 

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