Lost.. But somehow.. Found

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A while later the train pulled into the station, Astrae rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stood up to walk out. His mother was going to kill him for not coming home, but he made a promise to go visit Ryoji. He did it as much as he could, coming up with excuses to be back late. Astrae was walking in the station when a billboard caught his attention, it seemed to be a live broadcast of the President. He sighed and stopped as the familiar tune of the announcement came through. The President began to speak, "Dear Citizens as your well known President and Protector of peace, it bring me great pleasure to introduce my heir to the position." He motioned behind him, "My son has trained all of his life to fill my shoes and I believe he can and do even more than I could ever accomplish. Please let me introduce my beloved son Acmon." A boy stepped out into the light and beside the President, his face was hidden by his hair. He seemed to be wearing a white uniform covered in official seals and awards that Astrae couldn't identify, but he felt as if this boy was familiar. A feeling in his chest began to grow and he felt like all the air had been expelled from his lungs, "W-what?" Astrae's eyes were glued to the screen as Acmon finally faced forward, his chest got worse and he felt as if everything in his body was screaming at him to go meet this boy. "A-ah h-help..." Astrae dropped to the floor and cried out in pain, flopping onto his side. He noticed that Acmon had suddenly stared directly at the screen and gripped his chest, he seemed to have been speaking before Astrae collapsed. The boy fell to his knees and cried out, attendants running toward him and his mother and father sitting by his side. Suddenly as it had come the pain subsided and Astrae found himself back in control of his body, he saw Acmon stand and look frantic, the boy seemed to be muttering something, "M-my soulmate... I need to find them... I must find them..." He found him, his soulmate. Time seemed to slow down as Astrae saw the people coming to get him, he watched his soulmate speaking with guards and heard Acmon order them to find him. He turned and looked at some guards rushing towards him, their intent on seeing if he was alright and maybe even see if he was matched. As they reached Astrae time resumed, "Are you okay sir? Why did you collapse all of a sudden?" He couldn't speak and pointed weakly at the screen, "M-my..." The guards grabbed him, "ALL OF YOU PROTECT THIS BOY AND RUSH HIM TO THE CAPITAL AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!" He protested weakly as they carried him away onto another train, "My mother... She's going to be so..." Astrae was shushed and placed into a cabin on the train, "Rest child." He nodded and closed his eyes, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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