• Chapter 9 •

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"STOB IT!" someone screamed.

What in the world?

I heard some giggling then someone laughing their heads off.

I opened my eyes and got up off the floor. What happened? Oh right, I am staying at their house since it's too "dangerous" to go outside.

"Can you guys shut up? I need my beauty sleep." Suga yelled.

"Sorry, hyung.." Taehyung replied.

I walked to the kitchen where I heard all the giggling and screaming and I saw three figures on the floor rolling around.

"What am I witnessing.." I said while walking towards to see who it is.

"HEHEHEHE~," Jimin said while laughing his head off.


"I.T!" Jimin and Jin said in unison before rolling around on the floor laughing and giggling again.

Jungkook joined in and the room was full of giggles.

"Oh! Hi Noona!" Jungkook yelled while the boys quickly got up off the ground and brushed themselves off.

"Hi... what were you guys just doing?" I said while looking at all of them in the eye.

"N-nothing, why do you want to know?" Jimin said coldly.

"Jesus, no need to be cold I was just wondering since you three woke me up with your loud as laughing," I said before stomping off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hi, cutie~," Taehyung said while winking at me.

"I should keep track of how many winks you do per day, you may need to go to the doctor for that.." I said while sitting down next to him on the floor.

He chuckled.

"So, whatcha playing?" I asked while looking at him.

Wow, he does look really handsome. He has really beautiful features. Why is he so damn perf- ew no, what am I thinking?! I've gone crazy!

"Earth to Y/N?" Taehyung said while waving his hands in my face.

"O-Oh! What did you say? Sorry I spaced out." I said while looking forward not daring to make eye contact after what I just thought.

"I'm playing Overwatch, wanna join?" Taehyung said while handing me a controller.

"Sure," I said while quickly grabbing the remote to start playing.

~ ~ ~ Jin's POV ~ ~ ~

"Oi, Jimin, why are you always so cold to Y/N? Is there a reason? Do you perhaps like her?" I asked while trying to calm him down from laughing more.

"Tch, it's none of your business, I don't like her, why would I like any girls? They're just as pathetic as... nevermind." Jimin said before walking off to his room and slamming the door shut.

He really has anger problems when it comes to Y/N... why is that?

~ ~ ~ Taehyung's POV ~ ~ ~

Damn, Y/N is so good at video games! She's beating me hardcore!

(Sorry, I've never heard of Overwatch or even how to play it... xd)

I turned to look at her and she looks so.. perfect.. her face, her hair, her everything, it's just perfect. I wish I knew someone just as perfect as her. She can pull anything and make anyone fall on their knees for her in a heartbeat. I should try to win her heart and make Jimin jealous, I know he has a thing for her...

~ ~ ~ Y/N's POV ~ ~ ~ 

"YES! I DID IT, YOU SUCK, TAEHYUNG! YOU OWE ME... FOOD!" I yelled while jumping around in circles.

He just stared at me before laughing.

"Alright, alright, wanna go eat somew-" 

"NO! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS TO GO OUT AT THIS TIME, STAY HOME, CHILDREN!" Jin screamed as if he was on the other side of the world.

"Woah, overprotective much.." I said while giggling.

"Guess you have to give me food another time, make sure you remember or I will steal your overwatch and keep it.." I said evilly while skipping away into Jungkooks room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hi, Noona~! What are you doing here?" Jungkook said while packing up some clothes that were on the ground.

"I'm bored.." I said while looking around his room at random posters and figurines.

"Why don't we all create a tent! That would be fun!" Jungkook said before walking out and screaming if anyone wanted to tag along.

"Okay then.." I ran out of the room and followed Jungkook.

Everyone gathered around the lounge room and we all planned how we were gonna do it.

"Let's use every single blanket and pillow here and make it massive," J-hope said.

"Yes! We should that would look awesome~!" Suga said while high fiving J-hope.

I seriously think they are like secretly gay.. hehehe.

"Y/N, What do you think?" Namjoon asked with curiosity.

"Mmm, we should make it really big and try to fit all of us in it and maybe we can sleep there for the night and watch Netflix or something and eat popcorn!" I blurted out excitedly.

"Woah, you're so smart, Noona!" Jungkook said as he dragged Taehyung and Jimin with him to gather some pillows and blankets.

We grabbed enough things to fit inside the little tent and make it comfy.

We built it and ended up playing spin the bottle since it was Taehyung's idea of course and no one could think of anything else to do apart from watch movies.

We watched most of them anyways.

We sat down in a circle and started playing.

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