• Chapter 35 •

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~ ~ ~ Jungkook's POV ~ ~ ~

I jump off Taehyung's lap before running towards my phone and picking up the call

(Underline is going to be the mum and normal is Jungkook)



"Yeah? What's wrong?"


"You deafened me. I don't know? Did he confess? Did she confess? They're probably together now!"


"Mum! You weren't happy when I had a Boy- I mean Since when was she your Pumpkin?"

It went silent.




"Can I ask you a question?"

I nod but realised she can't see me.

"Yes, go ahead."

"So.... about your sexuality... ARE YOU GAY?"

I went quiet.

"BYE MUM!" I hung up on her.

Hopefully she doesn't bring that question up again. I sigh before hopping back onto Taehyung's lap.

~ ~ ~ Jungkook's Mum ~ ~ ~

I knew it! Is he with that Taehyung guy? I hope he is. MAN I SHIP THEM SO BAD! Okay I shouldn't be talking to myself about my son and his boyfriend. I take one quick glance at Jimin and Y/N before running up the stairs fangirling.


~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ Y/N's POV ~ ~ ~

"Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N." Jimin repeated as he poked my arm.

"Erghhh." I roll over.

"Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N." Jimin continues to repeat as he poked my arm.

"WHAT!?" I yell as I sit up.

"You pushed me off the couch." Jimin pouted.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I squish his cheeks.

He pouts before giving me this death glare.

"WOAH, If looks could kill I would be dead already." I remove my hands from his cheeks.

He changed back into his adorable self.

"Dead from my love~" He sang as he tackled me with his hugs.

"WHAT ON EARTH IS HAPPENING HERE?" A crazy woman shouts aka my mum.

"Run." I scream as I grab Jimin's hand and we run to my room.


"Jimin, If I die attend my funeral and make it amazing!" I pretend to die.

He laughs, "I will protect my love!"

I smile and tackle him to my bed before kissing his cheek.

"I'm happy you're here, beside me." I smile as I snuggle into his chest.

"I am too." He whispers as he gently strokes my hair.

I close my eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

~ ~ ~ Jimin's POV ~ ~ ~

I love you Y/N... I won't stop loving you...

~ ~ ~ Jungkook's POV ~ ~ ~

"Kookie!!!" Taehyung pouts.

"I won't give you back your Eevee plushie till you give me that hug you owe me." I raise the plushie in the air as I step on my tippy toes.

He pouts before hugging me.

"GIMME IT NOW KOOKIE!" He stomps as he tries to reach it, "Oh wait, I'm taller so I can reach it perfectly.

I froze when reality hit me and Taehyung laughed as he grabbed the plushie without difficulty.

"Kookie~ Can we go to the park today??"

"Yeah! Let's go!" I raced out the room and grabbed my stuff before we headed off.

~ ~ ~

We arrived at the park hand in hand. Taehyung raced to the swings with be dragging behind.

"Let's go on these, Kookie!" Taehyung grinned.

I nodded and sat on the swing next to Taehyung.

"Oh my god! Jimin ditched you for Y/N?!" a girl yelled.

I looked over and saw Irene and Seulgi. Seulgi looked like she was in tears and Irene was on the verge of punching someone in the face. 

Taehyung gasped loudly and I grabbed his hand and jumped in a bush. Don't ask why I jumped in a bush. It was the closest thing I saw and it's big enough to hide me and Tae in.

"Is someone there?" Seulgi sobbed quietly.

I covered our mouths with my hand and looks at Taehyung and shook my head no slowly.

"I don't think so, it's probably one of those dumb rabbits that hang around this area." Irene huffed.

"The swings are moving though, it's not windy..." Seulgi said as she walked up to the swings and looked around.

I poked my head out of the bush a little to see what they were doing.

"Whatever, let's just sit and talk her, Irene." Seulgi said as she sat on one of the swings, still crying.

"I'll ruin Y/N. She can't take away my besties boyfriend. You deserve Jimin more than that bitch!" Irene growled.

Seulgi smiled and wiped her tears, "Tomorrow at school let's ruin her."

They giggled and evilly smiled before walking away from the park.

I jumped out the bush while Taehyung was struggling to even put his head out of the bush.

I sighed, "Really?"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bush.

"Ow..." He said pulling leaves out of his hair, "Next time can we just run away instead of jumping in a bush!?"

"We might get caught but we'll see." I laughed.

"Oh! We need to tell Jimin and Y/N asap!" Taehyung exclaimed.

I nodded and we rushed back home.

~ ~ ~ Y/N's POV ~ ~ ~

The doorbell rang and I looked at Jimin.

"I'll be back just wait here." He nodded and I walked to the front door.

"Who is i-"

"Jung.... Jungkook and Tae... Taehyung" Jungkook said as if he couldn't breathe.

I opened the door and the two boys were sitting on the floor puffed out.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Can we come in?" Taehyung asked still trying to breathe.

I nodded and they walked in.

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