• Chapter 38 •

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The teacher stood up and walked towards me as she stared at me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead a thousand times right now. Her eyes are piercing right through me as if I'm just a piece of paper she can tear instantly.

I gulp nervously and stand up too. She was in front of me. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello? Miss Y/L/N. Yes this is Mrs. Kim. Y/N has done something really inappropriate during class and I just wanted to sa-"

Jimin barged through the classroom and knocked the phone out of her hand.

"You're too blind to realise she was set up. Irene was the one who reported you in the first place. Instead of paying attention to your stupid boyfriends and "games" pay attention to class and don't side with stupid sluts." Jimin huffed before dragging me out of the classroom.

He looked pissed off bad. He slammed his fists against the walls and hit them till his knuckles were bleeding. I was beyond terrified because I've never seen this side of him. He looked at me before looking down.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to scare you again. I couldn't deal with Irene doing that to you." He whimpered.

I stood motionless as I was still in shock before I took his hands and looked at the wounds.

"Don't apologise but come with me, you're bleeding bad." I gently smiled.

He nodded and followed me like a lost puppy.

~ ~ ~

We walked to the nurse's office but she wasn't there for some reason. I told him to sit down as I grabbed the first aid kit and treated him.

He whimpered in pain.

"It hurts now but when you punched the wall it didn't hurt?" I said sarcastically.

"I wasn't thinking because I was angry." He pouted.

I shook my head and gently patted his head.

"Y/N..." Jimin mumbled as he held my hand.

I look at him In confusion.

"Promise not to leave me..." Jimin whispered as he looked down.

I internally died before saying, "Of course, I won't."

"We need to get to class, you're gonna miss out on your next cl-"

"I don't care, I skipped the first two periods anyways." Jimin cut me off with a sly smirk.

I shook my head, "I'm still waiting for Irene and Seulgi's move"

"I'll take you back to class then." He hummed.

I nodded and we walked back to class together.

~ ~ ~

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I gave Irene a warning and I kept an eye on her for the rest of the lesson. She was the one that published it not you, forgive me." Miss. Kim begged.

I looked at her in the eye and growled, "No way, as if you can teach anyways."

She looked at me with shock before nodding her head and walking away. I sat back in my seat and felt a pair of eyes staring into my soul. I look up and see Irene glaring at me as if she was going to rip my head off.

I smiled innocently at her face and continued to write down notes with Yeri.

"Do you and Irene have beef? Irene's real-"

"She may be nice to you but she isn't to me. I'm not starting drama but she is." I smiled and continued to write down my notes.


"Get to work, Yeri!" Miss. Kim yelled as she observed the class.

"Mianhe..." Yeri said.

The teacher was like a hawk and every time someone spoke she yelled at them.

"Miss. Kim, may I go to the bathroom?" I ask.

"Of course you can! Go ahead and take as lo- wait don't take too long." She giggles.

  I walk out of the room and feel footsteps behind me. I fasten up my pace and the footsteps get louder. I take a shortcut to the bathroom and then everything went black. Did I bring my phone?

~ ~ ~ Jungkook's POV ~ ~ ~

Me and Tae were giggling and mucking around in class when our phones went off. Something happened to Y/N. We tracked down her location and hurried to Jimin.

"What happened, Kookie and Tae?" Jimin asked as he paced back and forth.

"She's at an unknown area in the school. We need to hurry and get there before she gets hurt!" I screamed as I dragged Taehyung with him.

"Jesus, you don't need to scream Jungkook!" Jimin screamed as he chased after me and Taehyung.

"But you just screamed back at me, Hyung!" I continued to Scream as we ran down the hallway.

"Okay, let's just go!" Jimin screamed again as we were almost out the door.

~ ~ ~

We ran to the back of the school and there was an open gate. We've never seen this before. We walked past the gate and made sure to call the cops before we walked in. We told them we'll give them the single to come in when we need their help.

We walked down the pathway and it lead to a small cabin it looked like a tiny witch's cabin where she'd make spells. Seems like Irene lives there.

A/N; Oof Jungkook roasted Irene loool

We walked in and saw something we didn't want to see...

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