The Return

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It was weeks later, when the girl returned, alone. Annalise had sent Sebastian on an errand so she could catch up on her sleep. The knock on the door woke her from her slumber, jolting her awake. She sat up with irritation written across her face. When she stood up she realized she wasn't dressed properly to be receiving company. She sighed and walked done the stairs where the knocking continued. It was loud and very annoying as it rang through Annalise's empty mansion. When she opened the door she stood their frozen with fear. This girl was staring straight through her as she licked her lips. Annalise went to call for Sebastian, but the girl put her finger to her lips. "No words, it makes your screams sweeter." Annalise could feel her breath leaving her as she desperately gasped for air. The girl giggled and grabbed Annalise's wrist dragging her down to the cellar. Annalise's eyes widened as she drug down the cement stairs. Her feet felt cold which sent chills through the rest  of her body. Sebastian sensed her fear, but attributed it to a nightmare as she hadn't called for him. He continued to pick out the ripest fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile, the girl stopped, which flung Annalise against a wall and made her fall into the ground. She was panting as she looked around. Her eyes felt dry when she blinked. The girl grabbed her wrist again pulling her to her feet. Annalise was still groggy and tired. She went to scream, but the girl yanked her arm behind her back covering her mouth. Tears began welling up in Annalise's eyes as her shoulder began to hurt. Her thoughts were racing as she stared at the damp, dark cement wall in front of her. It got closer and then pain washed over her, but was quickly replaced by numbness and pitch black darkness.

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