The End

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Annalise could feel her sanity leaving her even more. She couldn't even feel the new presence that had come to hell, but she heard the door open. The hands on her wrists slowly released and she curled up in the fetal position. All Annalise could hear was the familiar clack of heeled boots. She was crying, but she couldn't feel the tears on her face. Someone took her face and cupped their hands around her cheeks. Annalise smelled roses and she began to relax. Lucifer moved and quickly bandaged her eyes. "My lord, I am sorry I had to go to such lengths, but she will heal. I am afraid putting her through that any longer, would have meant her eternal rest. She almost did it too." Annalise felt the familiar feel of Sebastian's arms wrapping around her, holding her in his lap. His demon form morphed into the form she fell in love with, which wasn't much different from his true form. She curled up against him and fell asleep. After billions of years of not sleeping at all, someone finally put her to sleep. Annalise finally felt at ease, even if she couldn't see Sebastian, she knew it was him, because even after cooking salmon and simmering onions, he always smelled like the red roses in her garden. Lucifer sighed knowing that she would never forgive him and his only solace was that her pain brought the love of her life back to her. When Annalise finally woke up, her eyes were back and she tore the bandages off standing up. Sebastian had changed her into a nightgown and taken her to Earth, rebuilding her manor. She ran out to the garden in tears leaping into his arms making him fall against the ground. "It really is you right?" Sebastian nodded moving her hair out of her face, placing it behind her ear. "Who else would it be, My Lady?" She laid on his chest not moving for hours. Annalise intertwined her fingers with his and they stayed like that until she felt that they couldn't be separated. She stood up and smiled. "Sebastian, I'm sorry, but I destroyed everything except the Grim Reapers and the demons." She looked down and he lifted her chin back up. "Annalise, do you really think I care about that?" Annalise shook her head and he smiled. Sebastian bent down and they shared their most brilliant kiss. Sebastian smiled. "I love you." They never had children. It was always them against everyone else. Just like it should be. Without ever thinking of the book again, she unknowing rewrote the ending. In the end, the demon really did love her and he would never leave her side again. The End.

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