Chapter 3

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double update for you people :)


"Party is tomorrow Khushi! I'll be there!" Arnav said irritated. It was their 20th wedding anniversary tomorrow and di was planning a huge party.

He pocketed the phone feeling irritated. What's the need of a party? Doesn't di know that he hates them? And Khushi! She is dancing with joy. God how does she enjoy them! Why can't the two most important women of his life, for once, adjust to his likes and dislikes? He hates parties and loves spending some family time with his people. But for some reasons his women never understands that.

And on top of that Aarav had to meet that good for nothing brat yesterday. Why the hell did he have to mention it in front of Khushi?

"Dad I met your friend's son today" Aarav said from the dining table.

Arnav looked at him shocked and Khushi asked frowning, "Who?"

"Ishaan. He is very good at work" Aarav said smiling.

"Who is he?" Khushi asked.

" friend's son" Arnav said, "My friend, Rakesh, classmate at Harvard. His son is new at Delhi and Rakesh asked me to give him a job!"

"Oh at AR?" Khushi asked.

"No" said Aarav, "At Happy ji's garage!"

"How old is he?" Akash asked.


Khushi looked at Arnav and said, "He should be studying" Arnav cleared his throat and said stammering, "He...he is very poor at studies but good with cars and...."

"Why are you sweating for that?" she asked laughing, "Ishaan huh? Why didn't you bring him here?"

"Ha chotte" Anjali said, "It's your friend's son. He can stay here till he finds a residence!"

"No need. I've arranged his stay." Arnav said ending the discussion.


And right now he was standing on Bantra road, STUCK! Sighing he took out his phone dialing his son.

"Ha Papa" Aarav said.

"Where are you?" Arnav asked.


"I'm stuck in Bantra road. Car broke down!" Arnav cried in irritation.

"Oh. Pa our senior doctor has assigned me to attend a patient. Should I ask Mohan to get you?"

"No. Call to Happy's garage. I don't have their number. Send someone to look my car. NOW!"

"You know Happy ji for like decades and you STILL DON'T HAVE HIS NUMBER!" Aarav cried.

"Do it boy!" Arnav said in irritation.

"Fine!" Aarav said chuckling.



"YOU?" Arnav shouted in anger seeing the person who walked to his car, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

The boy shrank back in fear. "Woh...Happy"

Arnav groaned and said, "No! Don't you dare touch my car!"

He took back the hand that was about to touch the white SUV's body. "Give me Happy's number" Arnav demanded taking out his cell.

The boy extended him his phone that had the number and Arnav dialed Happy Singh.

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