Chapter 24

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City Hospital, New Delhi

1.30 pm

"Come in" Shreya called out hearing the knock. Burying her head in a medical file, expecting her assistant Nancy, she called out, "Nancy, you were supposed to prepare the schedule for tomorrow by now. Where is it?"

Hearing no reply, she looked up. Her hold on the file loosed up and it fell to her lap.

"Hey" he said slowly, entering the cabin.

"Aarav" she whispered.

Aarav took small steps and stood before her. He looked at the name tag and smiled seeing Dr. Shreya Patel. He looked around the cabin, that once used to be his, and said, "Nothing has changed here. The same how I left it three years back!"

She took a deep breath and stood up. Keeping the file on the table she asked, "Why are you here?"

He looked at her and pocketed his hands. "I just..." he stammered, "I wanted to see you"

"Why?" she asked crossing her arms.

"How are you?" he asked slowly.

Shreya laughed out loud and said, "Great question to ask to a person whom you have ditched three years ago!"

Aarav looked down and said, "I know I shouldn't have done that but...I didn't know what else to do!"

She scoffed and said, "I begged at your feet Aarav! I mean, who does that? I DID! Even then....even then YOU LEFT!"

"I didn't come for an argument Shreya" Aarav said closing his eyes, "I'm here at Delhi for a wedding and I thought to see you!"

"Well you have! See, Shreya is alive! Now get lost!" she snapped.

"Shri I'm...."

"Stop RIGHT THERE" she hissed, "Don't call me that!"


"Not everything is same as you left it Aarav" she whispered.




Oberon Mall, New Delhi

1.30 pm

"Your sister is getting married tomorrow. You're supposed to be at home!" Ishaan said.

"You're back after three years and no day out with you? Not happening boy!" Irene said laughing. She linked her arm with his and the duo walked inside the mall.

"Don't you have a mobile? I have to email you to get in contact. Idiot!" Irene said.

"I have but I don't share it with anyone"

"Then why exactly do you have it?" she asked laughing.

Ishaan shrugged and Irene said, "You've changed a lot!"

"Yeah I've got beard!" he said fisting his hand in air, "finally!"

She laughed and said, "Not only appearance. Everything has changed. You're more serious've lost that innocent touch-me-not look!"

"Isn't that good?" he asked laughing.

"Yeah but...I loved the old Ishaan. Pure and innocent!" she said smiling.

He chuckled and they stopped at a café. "I'm starving" she cried.

"I know" he said laughing and pulled her into the café.


"So how's life?" Irene asked sipping her hot chocolate.

"I've got a small garage of my own!" he said smiling.


"Don't woah. It's a small garage. But I earn enough for myself and for the two-three employees I have hired!"

"That's great Ishaan" she cried.

Ishaan chuckled and said, "What about you?"

"Completed my medical studies but we have to practice for a year. Only then will we be officially called doctors!" she said, "Here only, in Delhi Ayurvedic Institution"

He nodded and she asked biting her lip, "Did you meet them?"


"Raizadas" she said slowly.

He nodded no and said, "I wanted to talk to you about that"

She nodded and he said, "I came here for you. You know that, don't you. But if I attend the wedding then your parents' might not like it. And I may run into the Raizadas! So..."

"You're not attending the wedding" she completed.

He nodded.

"Why exactly did you come then?" she asked crossing her arms.

"For you. To see you" he said slowly.





Raizada Farmhouse, New Delhi

3.30 pm


Khushi took a deep breath and walked into the wide open farmhouse. Looking at the unlocked door she wondered at the safety of the house where the billionaire businessman stays.

Looking around the messy living room, Khushi wrapped arms around herself feeling cold inside the house. Suddenly she stopped stumbling over something on the ground.

"Alcohol" she whispered looking down to the floor where five or six empty bottles lay.

Taking a bottle in her hand, she walked forward and called out, "Arnav ji!"

"Arnav ji! Where are you?"

She frowned hearing no reply.

"Now don't play hide and seek with me! Aman told me that you're here! Come out!" she called out.

"Khushi?" a whisper came from her back and she turned to see him standing near the bedroom door.

A lump formed on her throat seeing the man before her. Gone were ASR and his ever powerful demeanor with its aura screaming its authority for miles. Before her was a weak pale man with clothes loosely hung on his body.

"Khushi" he whispered his voice so changed over the years.

"Hey" she whispered clutching the bottle. He walked forward slowly and looking closely at her, "'re real?" he whispered.

She nodded.

Lifting his hand, he extended it to touch her cheeks. Khushi moved away and held his palm as a handshake. "I'm real Arnav ji" she said shaking his palm and patting it. Leaving it the next instant, she crossed her arms to herself.

"Khushi" he smiled and whispered, "'re back...back..."

"Err...I want" she couldn't complete when she felt herself being pulled into a tight hug.

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