Chapter 15

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Skyline Apartments, New Delhi

9.00 pm

Khushi opened the main door hearing the knock.

"You?" she asked frowning.

Aman smiled faintly and Khushi asked, "How did you know that we're here"

"I knew Aarav would contact Shreya. So I called her" Aman said shrugging.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I just came to see you" Aman said.

Khushi moved away from the door and let him in.

Aman walked into the apartment and sat on the couch. Khushi sat opposite to him and said, "If you're here to sing praises about your boss, the door is still open for you"

Aman chuckled and said, "Why would I sing praises about him?"

"I don't know, you tell me" Khushi said angrily, "You're always with him, by his side. Supporting him....for EVERYTHING"

"Bhabhi" Aman said sharply, "I don't support him for EVERYTHING. And if anyone cares, I came to know about Ishaan just two days ago"

Khushi looked away and he said, "I just wanted to tell you that whatever decision you take, I'll support you!"

"I thought you're his side!" she said frowning.

"I'm on no one's side! Why does everyone feel that I'm ASR's side?" Aman cried, "I came to know about the boy but I didn't tell you. Yes. Because it was not my place to tell you bhabhi. He should tell you. It's his job not mine! I'm no one to interfere in that! So I asked him to tell you."

"In front of the family? In front of guests?"

"No, in private. He wanted to tell you tonight after pooja but....Lavanya blasted and he blurted it out!" Aman said.

"He loves him a lot right?" Khushi asked leaning back. Her voice cracked and she said, "I envy him. He got to have a kid of his own! His own blood!"

"Isn't Aarav your own kid?" Aman asked slowly, "Blood doesn't matter bhabhi. Bonds do! Love does! Trust does! You and Aarav have the best mother-son relationship ever!"

"You didn't answer the question. Does he love his son a lot?" she whispered.

"I don't know. He is complicated. At a moment he says that he hates that kid. He is a nuisance! He is breaking my home! And the next moment he enrolls him in a good college, gives him his name....I don't bhabhi. I don't know what he feels about Ishaan. But he doesn't hate him, I know that!" Aman said honestly.

"Have you seen her? Shalini?" Khushi whispered in tears.

Aman sighed and nodded, "Years back at Rajasthan!"

"Is she pretty?"


"Is she pretty Aman?" she whispered.

"Yes" Aman nodded.

"Prettier than me I guess" Khushi said smiling sadly.

"Not really. She just resembled you at some angles" Aman said.

"Don't try to make me feel better" Khushi whispered.

Aman sighed and said, "He thought it was you"

"It wasn't me" Khushi said chuckling, "It was never me. I was never the woman who carried his child. I couldn't give him a kid!"

Aman was about to say something when Khushi cut him in, "I know. Aarav. He is our child. But what if we didn't have Aarav?"

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