Chapter 13

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Sorry for the late update. Things are being restored after the floods and my classes commenced today. So i cannot write and update regularly. I'll try to update every alternate day.

Chapter 13

Khushi gasped and she slumped on the floor, leaning on the recliner. Laying her head on it she clamped her mouth shut preventing herself from crying out loud.
She closed her eyes shut and touched the surface of the green recliner.
"Khushi stop running!" Arnav cried following her around the room.
"Catch me if you can!" Khushi said giggling and jumped on to the food.
"Come here you!" Arnav said laughing and pulled her hand.
"Aaah!" she squealed as she fell on his arms. Arnav stumbled backwards and fell on the green recliner, with Khushi on his top.
He wrapped his arms around her and said chuckling, "How long will you run from me?"
"I can run very far you know" Khushi said smirking.
"Then how come you're still here in my arms?" He whispered and leaned to kiss her. She laughed and moved her face away, "Do you know why you're able to catch me?"
"Why?" he mumbled and nuzzled her neck.
"Because I want you to catch me" Khushi whispered and pecked his lips.
She burst into tears and stood up. Using all her might she pushed the recliner. It moved towards the poolside door and crashed on it. Khushi ran to the bed and buried her face on the pillows.
"Khushi the door!" she could hear his voice.
She sobbed hard and clutched the pillows.
"What are you doing?" Khushi asked with widened eyes when he pinned her down on the mattress.
"Just romancing my wife" Arnav said shrugging and buried his face in her neck.
"You have to go to office" she said laughing but turned her face extending his access to her neck.
"Office can wait" he murmured and kissed her earlobes.
Khushi hummed and clutched the pillows closing her eyes in a daze.
Khushi sat up in the bed and threw the pillows to the dressing table, knocking down the bottles. The perfume bottles, bangles and cosmetics fell down to the floor crashing into pieces.
Closing her ears shut she screamed at the top of her voice.
"Khushi j!" Anjali cried, "Open the door please"
"LEAVE ME ALONE....GO AWAY ALL OF YOU!! GO! GO" Khushi screamed, her voice cracking at the end.
"Khushi please" Arnav begged, "Please"
"Okay okay" Arnav cried, "I'll go...I'll go...don't harm yourself please..."
"GO" she screamed.
"Shalini" she whispered in hatred and disgust.
"How was Rajasthan trip?" Khushi asked rubbing her eyes as she sat up.
"Great" Arnav said sitting next to her on the bed, "I bought the factory there. Great people. They agreed to help us and sell their handwoven materials"
"That's good" Khushi murmured sleepily and leaned on him. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her. "My Khushi is sleepy" he cooed.
"Khushi sleepy sleepy" Khushi mumbled and snuggled into his arms "When did you reach?"
"Early morning" he mumbled and then said, "Waise I saw someone like you"
"Like me?" she asked withdrawing from the hug.
"Ha daughter of the factory manager, Shalini. She looks like you" Arnav said chuckling.
"Aha" Khushi chuckled.
He nodded and she said, "That's good. You'll have someone who reminds you of me. So you'll not forget me!"
Arnav chuckled and kissed her hair, "I would never forget you!"
Khushi hummed and hugged him.
"Ma" Aarav called out and knocked the door softly, "Open the door" he whispered.
Khushi looked at the door and slowly walked to it. Opening the door, she burst into tears and fell into her son's arms.
Aarav hugged her tightly and patted her back.
" cou..ld...he..." Khushi sobbed. Aarav nodded and took her inside the room. Making her sit on the bed, he walked to the table and took a glass of water.
"Have it" he said softly and made her drink the water.
Khushi laid her head on his shoulder as he sat next to her. "How could he Aarav?" she whispered.
Aarav didn't say anything but kept on patting her back comforting her.
"Take me away from here Aarav" Khushi whispered. Aarav looked at her and she sat up straight. Wiping her tears Khushi took a deep breath, "I can't stay here anymore. I need to go away"
"Where?" he asked void of any emotion.
"Anywhere that doesn't remind me of Arnav Singh Raizada" Khushi whispered and closed her eyes tightly.
Aarav nodded and stood up. "Let's go" he said and walked forward.
"Go talk to her" Aman said softly.
Arnav looked at the sky and kept mum.
"ASR" Aman urged, "Go!"
"She asked me to go away" he said.
Aman sighed and sat next to him in the terrace, "Talk to someone" he said.
Arnav nodded no.
"Talk to me" Aman shrugged.
Arnav looked at him and he smiled.
"It was not intentional Aman" Arnav whispered, "The night with Shalini. For me it was Khushi. I did not know it was Shalini until the morning when I woke up next to her!" Arnav closed his eyes tightly wincing at the memory.
Aman hummed and Arnav said, "If Khushi knew about it, she would never forgive me. I did not have a choice Aman. What could have I done?"
"You could've told her, right away!" Aman said.
Arnav scoffed and said, "It's easy to say that. How many men would do that?"
"You could have done that" Aman said pointedly.
"If you had **** with another woman, would have told Ayesha? Hey Ayesha, I'm sorry but I had **** with another woman. Please don't leave me. It won't happen again" Arnav said.
Aman sighed and said, "I never created an incident Arnav"
Arnav looked at him hearing him use Arnav. He uses it rarely.
Aman looked down and said, "Your night with happened. We cannot do anything about that. It happened. Unknowingly! But what happened after that was in your full control! You could've changed the whole past Arnav. You could've told Khushi bhabhi. You could have let her decide!"
"She would've left me" Arnav cried.
"What's the difference now Arnav?" Aman asked chuckling, "Yesterday or today, she left you!"
Aman motioned towards the front gate. Arnav looked at and froze seeing Aarav and Khushi leaving.
"Khushi! Aarav!" Arnav whispered and was about to turn and dash downstairs, when Aman held his shoulder, "Let her go!"
"WHAT?" Arnav cried.
"They need time ASR. Let her go. Give them some time!" Aman said calmly.

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