Chapter 17

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AR Fashions, New Delhi

9.30 am

"How are things at home?" Aman asked walking into the cabin.

"Di asked me to leave" Arnav said looking down on the floor, "Asked me never to return!"

Aman paused for a bit and said, "Aarav had called me. He...they are leaving"

Arnav shot looked up at him. "What?"

"Aarav and bhabhi are leaving to Texas. He got a job offer as an oncologist in one of the best hospitals there!"

Arnav gulped down a lump at his throat and asked, "Can I meet her? Just once?"

Aman shook his head and said, "It's better for them to leave"

Arnav looked at him in shock and Aman said sighing, "Do you really think that she'll continue her life with you? With a person who has a son with another woman? This betrayal is been imprinted on her forever ASR. She can never forget the fact that she is not the woman who carried your child!"

Arnav buried his face in his palms and Aman said shaking his head, "I don't know what to do. But I think it's better to leave her to take decisions. Let her decide!"

Arnav looked up and whispered, "I want to meet her".


City Hospital, New Delhi

9.30 am


"Thank you for your days here Dr. Raizada. It's been a pleasure to work with you!" the senior doctor said shaking his hands and Aarav thanked him.

"Good luck"

"Thank you doctor" he said smiling and walked through the corridors of the hospital, he learnt, practiced and operated his field of study! A faint smile appeared his lips as he walked through the familiar wing where he worked for late night hours.

A sudden gush of wind was felt and Aarav saw a figure storming towards him. Shreya ran to him and clutched his arms, "Is it true?" she asked in tears, "Are you leaving?"

"Shreya" he hissed and looked around to see people around them watching them. "Not here" he whispered looking at her.

"What do you mean by not here?" she shouted, "How can you leave?"

He held her wrist and dragged her to his cabin. Shutting the door shut behind him and locking it, he turned to her sighing, "I got an offer. At Texas. I'm joining there"

She looked at him in tears and he said, "I know it's...unexpected but...I'm leaving. I'm joining there. I'm taking mamma with me!"

"So it's all decided! You took decisions alone!" she asked chuckling through tears.

He nodded and said, "I don't have anything left here. All I have is mamma. I'm taking her with me!"

"What about me?" she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I think we should call it off" he said shrugging.

She stared at him and took a deep breath. "You know about my family. They are stereotyped people and it had taken me a lot of convincing to let me come here and stay in a hostel, to be a doctor. They even bought a flat here in Delhi so that they can come and stay here for some days, so that they can have a reign over me!"

"I know that. Why are you telling me about this?" he asked curtly.

"I let go of my family's views, my parents' instructions, my relatives' orders, just to be with you. I even gave you the flat keys! I...I came with you, wherever you took me....because I love you. And now...." She whispered, and slumped on the chair, "Now you tell me I think we should call it off!"

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