Chapter 10

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Schoo, oh what could I say about the school other than I hated it? Following Devyn down the hallways to homeroom, I suddenly remembered why I didn't like school. It was day care for teenagers; we were packed into small rooms, confined spaces and expected to not only learn but get along with any and all people that you crossed paths with.

As soon as we arrived in homeroom I realised I shouldn't have been so eager to start learning, the students that were already in there stopped what they were doing and openly looked mine and Devyn's way as we came into the room. Their heads and eyes followed us to where Devyn showed me a chair, he sat beside me which was great, but it was so weird being the centre of that much attention.

When homeroom began, I didn't have to stand and introduce myself as it was announced over the loud speaker who I was, where I had come from and who's homeroom I was in. Mortification was the first thing that set in, shame would have been next, but Devyn nudged me in the arm and jerked his head towards the door.

It was time to begin my first day of Butte Central, and I already wished I'd stayed out at the ranch.

After all the morning announcements and a few short introductions, Devyn showed me to our first class of the morning, which was my least favourite subject English. There was nothing wrong with learning the English language; God knows it was a tough subject to be half way decent in but lord was it annoying.

"Leah, are you okay?" The question brought me out of my stupor, blinking a few times I glanced across at the teacher who looked slightly amused and then over to Devyn who also looked like he wanted to laugh out loud. Nodding my head, I coughed to clear my throat, trying to pretend that I had been paying attention the entire time.

"So I know you've just joined us Leah, but I'm afraid you're going to have to sit through class project presentations," it was odd that the English teacher was so nice. She had apparently caught me day dreaming and was now apologising. I wondered if it was a Montana thing or a Butte Central thing but either way it was weirding me out.

For the rest of English though I had to sit through and listen to tacky presentations about the local history of Butte. What I learned were both back country-ish and boring, how and when the town was founded, which Butte it was named after and even the founding father. It went in one ear and out the other until someone mentioned Declan's family name, Gallers.

The bell rang before I could ask a question but wrote a note to ask Declan about the family history from here; people could say that I had interest in some things purely for the glory and this was one of those times.

"So, how was your first lot of classes?" Devyn asked me at lunch; I shrugged my shoulders as I tried to think of how to describe how I felt properly. Bored came to mind, so far, aside from Devyn's good looks, there wasn't a whole lot that caught my attention. Sure there were a few good looking guys, but many of the girls seemed to stay away from me, I wasn't sure why until Valerie stomped up to where Devyn and I sat and glared at me.

"Devyn, come and sit with us!" Valerie said as she indicated her table. Obviously, she was part of the 'popular' clique; a few guys were sitting around with girls on their laps. To be honest, they all looked like cowboys, their boots and jeans paired with plaid shirts or shirts in general.

"That's okay Valerie, your daddy asked me to show Leah around the school today, and that's what I'm gonna do. Maybe you all can come sit with us?" That suggestion didn't go down well, and I nudged Devyn's leg under the table. Yes, Valerie was a b*tch, but I could stand on my own two feet and didn't need a babysitter.

When Devyn glanced my way I jerked my head slightly in the direction of Val's table, Devyn frowned a moment before his face split into a broad smile. I didn't like the look of it and hated it even more when he opened his mouth, "that's a very good idea Leah! Let's both go sit at Valerie's table." If looks could kill, I was sure Devyn would be doubly dead by the glares that both Val and I gave him.

Cringing I stood from the table with my handbag and lunch bag and waited for Devyn to begin walking towards the table. Valerie gave me another glare before heading off after Devyn, looping an arm through his as they neared the table.

"Ladies and gents, may I introduce the lovely miss Leah Munroe to the table. She's Declan's oldest daughter and is now living out at the ranch. Leah, these are some of my friends you lot can introduce yourselves because I know Leah won't remember every name I spew out right now." It was the truth, and I found myself thankful that Devyn had picked up on that, I'd already met so many people in the short span of a few classes and I barely remembered any of them.

A few of the 'friends' smiled, but most looked at me like I was a rainbow coloured space monkey, they probably weren't used to seeing someone as dressy as me. But if I were to continue living with Declan then flashy was what I was going to be and they would all either have to ignore it or suck it up.

By the end of the day, I was mentally exhausted, who knew starting a new school could be so challenging? I didn't, but as I stumbled out to the drop off zone of the high school, I smiled when I spotted Declan leaning against his truck with a tall cup of something. "Come on kid! Figured you could do with a pick me up, so I got you a tall cup of coffee." I perked up at the mention of coffee I walked briskly over to the truck and took the offered cup.

Taking a tentative sip, I closed my eyes as I felt that familiar hit, my brain almost felt refreshed instantly as I took another sip and then another soon after.

Declan laughed at me, but I could only glare over the rim of my cup as he held the door open and I jumped in. "So Valerie is going to get a ride back out to the ranch with Devyn, that boy is moving in over the week so that when school ends, he'll be living out there full time." I nodded, it was clear that Valerie had a thing for Devyn. Any girl who didn't see that was probably blind or a lesbian, it was odd because I'd seen my fair share of good looking guys in California, but he was the first genuinely beautiful looking guy that I'd ever met.

"That's nice; I'm sure Valerie will enjoy that," I said as I took another sip of coffee, Declan started the truck up and began the half hour drive home. Seriously, the drive was going to be tedious by the end of the few weeks of school, and I would then be more than ready to sit in one spot for a few months.

"Those two used to be as thick as thieves, not too sure they're as close now, but they were pretty close as kids." It was odd to hear Declan speak of the past; I had just assumed he had been a city dweller until one of his and Trisha's kids had come along. But by the sounds of things he'd been a country dweller since he'd left me with mom.

"Declan, how long have you been living in the country? Mom never answers my questions about you." I guess it still hurt mom to talk about Declan like she was a failure or something but because he was my dad I had so many things to ask him and now seemed like the perfect time.

"I've always lived in the country...well most of the time. I did a stint in California, that's where I met your mom, and we had you. Things didn't work out, and she wouldn't let me have you, so I moved back to Montana and tried to move on with my life, ya know?" Nodding at the question I frowned, my mom had always told me that Declan didn't want anything to do with me...not that she'd stopped him from seeing me.

Now I had questions and demands to make of my mother, that would be my mission, once I got a hold of her.


I lied! Here's an update, sorry it has taken so long but I have a lot of family to spend time with before they all leave again. Sorry this chapter is so short, but what do you all think so far?

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