Chapter 39

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“Leah?” Devyn asked reluctantly from the doorway, he sounded different. So different that I couldn’t stop myself from opening my eyes and turning my head in his direction, his shoulders were slumped, his head hung a little and he fidgeted with his fingers.

“Are you okay? Your mom screamed when you went under, she tried to get in the water to come and save you when you didn’t surface.” I scoffed, I don’t know why but it upset me that my mom would try and save me before Devyn. Maybe it was better that we break up? He clearly didn’t care for me as much as I cared for him, what was the point of carrying on like he could?

“I’m fine.” I said flatly, the more I kept my sentences short the less chance I had of crying.

“Leah...I’m sorry. You were right, I was being a dick at breakfast but I was jealous. Every time you laughed with Max I felt like punching him in the face and dragging you off somewhere so I could be the only guy that heard you laugh. I think it runs in the family because Emma wanted to claw your eyes out.” Devyn laughed at that but I kept my mouth tightly shut, I did remember what Annie had said. About making him work for my forgiveness while doing the same, but that was a damn riddle in itself and made absolutely no sense to me.

“I really am sorry Leah and...I don’t want you to surf anymore. You’ve got no idea how panicked I was when you didn’t come up, I was already standing knee deep in the water when the diver brought you up. It was worse than the wildfire because you vanished right before my eyes; you were under the water so long that I thought I had lost you for real this time. Can you forgive me?” Turning my head in Devyn’s direction, I eyed him. He had moved closer while talking and had even knelt by the stretcher I was on.

“You’re crying?” I asked, confused by the sight before me. In all the time that I had known Devyn I had never once seen him sad, angry and frustrated yeah but never sad and never to the point of crying like he currently was.

“Because I’m begging here, I feel like if you turn me down now that we’re over and I can’t stand the thought of going back to the ranch without you. I love you Leah, it took me a while to realize just how much. But I am in love with you and the thought of us breaking up and me having to go back to just being friends or strangers is the worst thing I can think possible. So please, give me another chance?” Okay, what is a girl supposed to do when her boyfriend is hurting worse than a neglected puppy?  Guilt bloomed in my stomach when I realized the inner turmoil Devyn was feeling, I had blocked out most of what I had been feeling since our tiff before my run.

“You love me? Really? I can’t break up with you Devyn, you doofus! I was scared as well that this would be our ending...but I’m not letting you go now!” I wiped the tears away from Devyn’s cheeks and eyes before pulling him into a hug, his laugh began as a snigger but gradually grew into a sound I hadn’t heard in a long time.

“You know, you sound absolutely crazy right now?” I asked, pulling away from him. It wasn’t until Devyn reached up to wipe my cheeks that I realized I had begun crying too.

“I know, but I don’t care.” Devyn shrugged and I smiled wider. We pulled apart though when the medic came back into the tent to see how I was doing. Thankfully the bleeding had stopped and he gave my cuts one more wipe down before wrapping my ankle and discharging me from the tent.

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