4 There Is Another?

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When I woke up the next morning The first thing I saw was that I have a mission notification.

New Quest - Befriend Your Gamer roommate 

Reward - New Function (Party system), New ability (Gamer telepathy), One Friend.

Failure - Gamer Rival 


I looked around and I found a boy that is maybe a year or 2 older then I am.

"Hello, I'm Aria, What's your name," I asked 

"I'm Ryuu Uchiha, I Guess you got the quest too didn't you?" He said with a small smile (the reason he can understand her is because his system automatically translates other players languages)

"Yup, So what do you say wanna be the bestest of friends," I asked with excitement

"Sure, That would be great we can train together as ninja" He replied

Quest complete - Befriend Your Gamer roommate

Reward - New Function (Party system), New Perk (Gamer telepathy), One Friend. 

{(Gamer Telepathy) - You can communicate through thought with other members of your party}

"Cool. Well that was an easy quest, Let's make a party" I sent him a party invite and he accepted 

Party Formed

I then checked out his stats

Name: Ryuu Uchiha

Gender: Male

Age: 6

Level: 10

EXP: 157/1000

Rank: Civilian

Clan: Uchiha

Main Title: ???

Titles: ???

Stats (AP - 100) Unusable until (age 7, LVL 10)

HP: 1036

SP: 368

CP: 650


STR: 28

AGIL: 16

DEX: 23

INT: 25

WIS: 26


Ryo:  15000

"Wow, your level 10 already! So uncool dude, I wanna get stronger too, show me your ways Dragon . . . Please? How did you get to that level?" I asked

"I found a dungeon in the village recently that I use to train, I can show you where it is If you want." He replied with a grin

"Cool. Sounds fun! Let's do it!" I replied back with a grin of my own

"Good, we will go after breakfast." He said signaling me to follow him to what I assume is where breakfast is.

"Hey Ryuu can you hear me, I'm using the telepathy thing," I asked through thought 

"Ya, I can hear you, I almost forgot we got that perk. Pretty cool isn't?" He responded 

"Yup super cool, use to," I replied. We then carried on to breakfast 

As we walked into the dining hall all attention was on us or more specifically me and it made me kinda nervous, Ashua noticed me and started to introduce me

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