Chapter 1- You failed

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Quickly and swiftly, you sneak along the side of the building, trying your best to keep yourself concealed in the night's darkest shadows. "How do you think the harvest is going this year?" You hear a man's voice from around the corner. You stop walking and start to eavesdrop.

"I'm guessing pretty good. Hopefully we won't have any deaths this year though," A lower voice replies. You take a peek around the corner and see two villagers. One is wearing a brown coat, the other white. 'There he is,' You stare at the white coated villager. You pull a book out from your jacket and open it to one of the most recently written in pages. It says:

'Your new task is to kill the priest in the desert village' No name, no reason. Just the way you like it. Gracefully pulling on your hood, you pull out your bow. You place an arrow from your backpack onto the string, pull it back, and aim for your target. You let go.

"AH!" You hear a scream and look at your work. You missed. The villagers start calling for a golem, which starts charging towards them. You take off running. You hear loud stomps a bit of a ways behind you. You don't dare to look back because you already know that the golem is catching up to your slow pace. Pocketing your bow, you pull out an iron sword and throw it behind you, hoping to at least slow it down. You only hear a metal hitting metal sound. The footsteps don't slow.

Then, you trip on something. Falling to the ground, you flip over to see the iron golem about to pound you in the head. You roll to the right, his deathly punch narrowly missing, and start to roll away. Too bad you couldn't see where you were going. You start to fall and realize you fell right into a ravine. The golem takes one peak over the edge before disappearing, assuming you'll be dead, but you're too smart for that to happen. You pull out two arrows and jam them into the uncut stone. Like you hoped, they stop you from falling, but its only 4 blocks before you hit the ground. You let go of the arrows and fall to the ground, hurting only your feet for a few seconds.

You sigh. "GODDAMIT!" You scream at the night sky. You pull down your hood and slip off your backpack. "Pickaxe, pickaxe, pickaxe…" You rummage through all of your junk, throwing out blocks of dirt and a rose to make room. No pickaxe."How the heck am I going to hide?" You ask nobody.

"Sssssssss" 'OH SHIT' You sprint forward, only just in time. A large boom comes from where you were just standing. You look behind you to see a crater where blocks used to be and you spot your backpack. Its torn up and part of its on fire. "No!" You beg to Notch that nothing important is gone as you lunge towards the wreckage. Grabbing the bottom of the bag, you tip it upside down so it spills everything. You throw the bag aside and start to check the damage. 'A few arrows, a stack of wood," You start counting off everything that is missing, "leather shirt, flint and steel, my backup sword. WAIT!" You search frantically for the wooden sword you know you packed. Its no where to be seen. You scream in frustration at your failure.

"The worst part is, I won't even get anything out of this," If you had made this kill, you were going to be rewarded with diamonds. Three diamonds to be specific. You sigh, exhausted from your tantrum. Packing everything that wasn't destroyed, you swing the backpack over your shoulder and start to look for a way out.

"Nothing." You start to walk farther in the ravine, hoping not to run into any more monsters. A bat flies past you as you step into the cave. A light is at the end. You start to run towards it, hoping to find a house or something, but to your disappointment, its lava. You rarely see lava and every time you do, it mesmerizes you for reasons unknown. It just looks so nice and pretty as it shines its red and yellow colors.

You shake your head and start to head back up into the ravine, but as you turn around, you see a zombie heading towards you. "AH!" You try to run past it, but he grabs you by the arm. You punch it and continue to run. 'What great luck I have' You think as a spider jumps down on you. The zombie is catching up. You push the spider off, getting bitten first, and try to ignore the growing pain in your arm.

"HEYA!" You hear the sound of a dying spider, then a zombie. Turning around, you see a man. He has dark brown hair. When he turns towards you, you see he has a pickaxe. "What are you doing down here?" He asks. You can't figure out if he sounds worried or angry. Maybe both. he walks towards you and swings the pickaxe in front of your face. "Hello?"

"What." You say, unamused with the man. Though, he did save your life and could kill you any moment. 'Better be nicer to him' You realize.

"Why are you here?" He repeats.

"I was being chased by mobs. When trying to escape one, I fell down here. I'm sorry." You fake shame and look at the ground. He sighs.

"Don't worry about it. You look beat up. Follow me," You look up at him in surprise to see that hes already started walking farther down the cave. You follow him reluctantly. "Hey. I'm not going to kill you. See?" He hands his pickaxe to you and shows you inside his backpack. All it has is some coal. "You keep the pickaxe for now. Just so you know I won't hurt you." This makes you feel a little better. He leads you down farther and farther until you finally reach a wooden door. The man opens it for you and you walk inside to see that a fairly large room was carved into the wall. It has torches lined on the walls and all the other things you would find in a Minecraftian house. He follows you inside and closes the door. You watch as he walks over to the chest.

"Hey could you put the pickaxe over there?" He points over to a black, green, and white chest in the corner. You walk over to it, curious. "Its an ender chest. I put my stuff in there so it will be at home when I go back," He explains.

"Oh." You put the pickaxe into the box and he hands you an apple.

Hey," You look over at him, "I'm Steve by the way. Whats your name?"


"Oh cool," He says as you two begin to eat. After you are full, he shows you the bed. "You can sleep here."

"Where are you going to sleep?" You protest. He laughs nervously.

"I'm going to go back and mine. I just hit a jackpot of ores," He starts to collect everything he needs. "Goodnight!" He hands you an iron sword and walks out the door, back into the mob infested place. You lie down and stare at one of the torches on the wall. Slowly, you drift into sleep.
Word count- 1259

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