Chapter 8- Outside?

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You yawn, the cold air in the temple chilling you despite the blankets wrapped tightly around your body. Unable to fall back asleep, you sit up and look next to you. Herobrines gone. You sigh and swing your legs off the side of the bed, your feet making contact with the cold stone causing you to shiver. Pulling the blankets with, you stand up and walk out of the bedroom. Today, there is no fog in the hallways. Only sunlight. You wrap the blankets around yourself tighter and continue walking, looking out of the windows. It's a beautiful day outside. The suns shining and you can see the herds of animals crowded in the feilds. You sigh happily. At least you aren't still in that dirt prison with that iron golem. You suddenly feel a bit sad. You kinda liked that golem. He was nice he didnt hurt you. At least not intentionally. You remember when he had to catch you and almost made your ears bleed from his ghast screech. Then, you feel a presence behind you.

You whip around and the blanket wraps around your feet, causing you to trip. Something keeps you from falling. You look up to see the golem.
"Perfect timing, man!" You say and he cocks his head. He helps you stand up and you unwrap the blankets.
A/N it had to hit me...
Erin...if your here...ITS MAH SHIP ERIN X BLANKEY XD sorry imma go! 'That should be a book' ;)
You both stand there in silence. You peek out the window. "Hey. I'm gonna-" When you turn back around hes gone, "rude." You mumble before walking father down the hallway.
Eventually you reach the large doors. You slowly push them open, a few creaks echoing. As you go to step outisde, something stops you. You try to push against the invisible force, but you give up. Your shoulder starts to sting. You pull down your  sleeve to see the bite mark. Now, theres a bruise. You sigh and look back outside. It's a nice day. A cow spots you and moos before walking away. You giggle and reach your hand out, touching the cool grass.

"What are you doing?" A voice asks. You turn around to see a skeleton

"U-Uh... I-Its a nice day outisde'" you say.

"I'm not gonna shoot you. Herobrine would kill me," The Skeleton says and you smile a bit. He sits next to you and reaches his hand out. Which sets on fire. "AGH!" He screams. You both frantically try to put the flame out. When its finnaly gone, you both are exhausted.

"So uh..." You say. He looks at you and you both break out laughing.

"Maybe I shouldnt have done that," He admits after a while, "Oh crap! I have to go!" He says standing up,

"Alright, see ya!" You yell after him but hes already turned a corner. You look back outside, but somebody's standing there. You scream and jump back, only to realize who it is. "You cant stand creepily behind people," you mumble. Herovrine laughs before noticing your shoulder.

"Did you want to go outside?" He asks, catching you by suprise. You nod and he grabs your hand. He pulls you outside, the invisible force suddenly gone. "You can only leave when you're with me," he says and you nod in understatement.

"What happens if I run away?" You ask, glancing at your hand being held by his.

"Then I find you." He says

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