Chapter 4-The Meeting

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You wimper as the Zombie comes in and puts out the fire, which is the only source of light beside the Redstone torches. 'Why did I ever come here' you mentally slap yourself. The golem, which you have taken to calling him Tom, pokes you in the back. You turn around angry, But your anger dissapears when the golem holds out a rose for you. You laugh nervously and take it from him
"T-thank you" You say before going to lean against the wall. The golem watches you, but breaks his stare when a door opens. You look over to see a human that looks like Steve "Steve?!?" You yell,grabbing the chain door trying to get a better look 'that's not steve'

" You're right I'm not steve" Herobrine growls, Making you wimper in fear. He walks up to the door and unlocks it. You back away from him as he steps inside the room. "Not very good repairs" He mumbles as he looks at the dirt blocks everywere. Then,his gaze turns to you. He looks you up and down. You blush.

"Hey!" You yell and he glares at you

" I could kill you instead" he says darkly. As quick as lightning, he pins you against the wall and looks deep into your eyes. You blush. "I can see the darkness in your eyes"

"T-the darkess?" You ask. 'What dose he mean'

"I mean you have potential. Good potential that's kept you alive." You look at him 'Did he really read my-'
"Mind yes." He finishes for you. He grabs your arm and pulls you out the room and into the hallway. The golem follows the two of you and heads down the hallway

"You will stay here" He suddenly pulls you close and bites your shoulder with his fangs. You scream as the pain erupts in your arm. "That vote will make sure of it" He grins Evily. You follow him cautiously down the hallway and into a room. Theres a queen sized bed in the middle and the room is lit up by a fire. "You can sleep here." He says closing the door behind him,"With me"

"With you?!?" Your face turns a deep red as he lies down on the bed.

"Well I have to make sure you dont go and mess up things." You lie down on the bed as far away as you can from him and eventually fall asleep.

Giving me a idea
So I can update this chapter
Her idea was....
Why not have the character actually meet herobrine
So thanks!

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