Chapter 3- Awaken

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All you feel is cold. All around you. You hug yourself, try to warm yourself up, but the cold is inside of you. You start to sob. "H-help me!" You scream into the darkness. A white light appears. Your eyes widen and you manage to slowly stand up.

'Come to me child. Let me purify you'

It beckons you forward and you feel warmth replace the cold. You start to walk towards it, seeing the familiar minecraft world. Then, you see a red light to your left. It all happens so fast. The red light hits you, knocking you down.


The white light starts to shrink. "No!" You sob as it closes. You fall down to the ground, the cold coming back. The red light appears in front of you.

'kill him'

The voices are back. You scream a blood curling scream and wake up. You find that you are lying on wooden planks, blocks of dirt here and there instead of wood. You sit up, using your arms to hold yourself up. Blood rushes to your head, giving you a headache. "Agh," You fall back down on the floor. You hear loud footsteps behind you. You lean back on your head, causing you to arch your neck. You can see a large figure behind you. You shuffle so you are facing it and scream for the second time. The golem is right there. he stares at you, red rose in hand. He stands there in silence, staring at you. You back away from him and look for a way out. Where there should be a door, there are chain fences. You remember where you are. You are in the chest room, trapped. Freaking out, you scan the room for your bag, but its nowhere to be seen. You notice that the room is emptied out and the creeper explosion was fixed by dirt.

"I ssssee you're awake," A hissing noise comes from the chain fences. You look through and see a creeper.

"Holy shit!" You yell and fall on your butt. You've never been this close to a creeper. You hear him laughing.

"You're probably wondering whatsss going on," You nod, wanting an explanation, "Well, our bossss will have to tell you. Don't know why he wants you alive."

"Who's your boss?" You demand, but he doesn't respond. You sigh and lean on the wall.

"Urg?" The golem growls. You look over at him.

"What?" You snap and he raises his arms in defense. You sigh and look down at the ground. 'Who is this boss of theirs?'

-Time Skip to nighttime-

"Hungry?" A new voice asks. You snap your head back and see a cave spider. She has a steak on her back. You stare at her. "Hello?" You shake your head.

"S- sorry. Yeah i'm pretty hungry." She pushes the food under a small crack in the chain fences. You pick it up and start to eat. She laughs and walks away. Then, you nearly choke. You just realized. The glitching, the dark castle, the mobs! You know who their boss is. 'T- thats only a legend! It's not real!' You try to convince yourself, but its the only answer. Herobrine has captured you.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is rushed. 
Word count- 551

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