Chapter 6- ENOUGH

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"T-training?" You look at him, a bit scared. 'What dose this physco have in mind?'

"Its not nice to call people names." He says grinning. You blush, angry at him for reading your mind. You fold your arms and look at the training course.
Dispensers are lined everywere, lava pouring from the walls. It's one giant parkour map. You gulp. You may be an assassin, but sneaking is more your thing. Herobrine walks in front of you, flipping up one of the chest. You watch him shuffle things around before pulling out and iron chestplate and pants.

"What are those for?" You ask quietly, nervous for his answere

"Protection of course!" He says, a bit too over exicted. He shoves the armour in your hands. You slide the chestplate and pants on before following Herobrine back over to the chest. He motions for you to begin. You stare wide eyed at the course before slowly walking over to it. The first jump is a big one. You walk backwards, getting a fair distance  between the drop and yourself. Then, you take off sprinting. You get  prepared to jump. You run right off the edge. You swiftly grab the block ledge with both of your hands. You can hear Herobrine laughing behind you. You growl before pulling yourself up. You nearly collapse from the near fall. Herobrine has ceased his laughing. You look back to see him staring at you, grinning. You turn your attention back towards the course. The next jump is closer.

You jump to the block, smiling. The rest of the blocks arnt as bad  you realize as you look ahead. You are able to jump the next five blocks until you reach a problem. Right as you step on the sixth block, you hear a click then a whooshing sound. You squeak as a arrow flies over your head "ARROWS?!?"  You scream at the man. He starts laughing again and you glare. "Bastard," you wisper under your breath. You look ahead and notice the next block also had a pressure plate. And the next. And the next. You sigh. Then, you start to sprint, stepping on all the plates but dodging every arrow. You grin, feeling awesome. You get too cocky and slip. You scream, falling  towards the lava. Suddenly, your back on the ground. Herobrine has his arms loosely around your waist, keeping you from falling on the cold ground. You look at the course where you just were.

"I just saved your life," Herobrine states matter of factly. You growl.

"You almost ended it too," you mumble. He chuckles

"I think that's enough training," you sigh in relief, "For today."

"Theres more?" You whine. He frowns.

"Of course. This is only the beggining."

A/N- I had a sugar rush writing this so I stopped and then now I finnaly completed it but
Y/N Why ya so cocky??

Herobrine X Reader. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now