Episode 6

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"Open the door!!" They banged on the door.

"Get outta here!!" He yelled back from behind the door.

Snake, we just need to ask you something!! Just real quick!" 

Ike, Lucina, and Palutena stood in front of Snake's front door, knocking and knocking, just waiting for him to open up.

"How long will this take?!" Snake yelled.

"Not too long!"

The trio heard a groan from the inside, followed up with the sound of unlocking the door, until it finally opened.

"What do you guys want?!" Snake asked, already way passed being ticked off.

"Do you know anything? About the missing students." Ike asked.

"Ugh, look kid, they may have been my students at one point but that's it! Not my child prey!"

"But your such a creep!"

"That was the old me. Now, I freakin, go out to get coffee with companions. I've gone so fuckin soft!"

The three looked at Snake, Snake looking back at them.

"I guess..."

"Are you sure, Pat?"

"Yeah, don't worry, I read eyes."


"Yeah, I saw that Marth was stressed about his clothes being last season, and he was!"


"Anyways..." Snake muttered. "How have the other old crusty teachers been doin?"


"Ganon still has my twenty dollars!" Lucina yelled.

"Yep. Just like him. That guy will take anything, and I mean absolutely anything."


"Anyways, could you kids get goin, please? I have stuff to take care of."

"What kind of stuff—"


The door suddenly slammed shut, leaving the three alone.

"He seems nicer!"


"It's a start!"

"Yeah, yeah... now let's go home. Im sure the others are worried."

"Can we stop for Taco Bell?"



"What time is it, Luc?"

"12:50 PM." Lucina answered.

"Okay.." Palutena yawned loudly, stretching her arms over Lucina's face. The blue haired girl grabbed Pat's arm and flopped down off of her.

"So another day waisted..." Pat said quietly.


Palutena sat up. "We didn't find out anything! Not where Pit, Sam, and Daisy are, not about those two guys... and the one thing we did today, which was talk to Snake, was pointless."

"I mean, he did give me $20 before we left."

"But think about how much closer could've been to finding them if we did a little more? Not waste days of useless crap and doing stupid stuff, or whatever."

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