The Drag, The Pull

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Waking up at the clubhouse a second time wasn't as scary, what did freak me out was Jax was in here and changing his shirt. "J-Jax?" I asked slowly sitting up, I reached up and touched my throat. The bandages were still there, but I felt like I could still feel Sean's hand.

"Harley." Jax spoke walking towards me, was he limping?

"What happened?" I asked noticing his limp. "Why are you limping?" I asked, Gunner poked his head up as Jax came over and sat on the bed.

"Kohn stabbed my leg with scissors."

"Are you okay?" I asked immediately worried, Jax chuckled and I could feel my face flush. I looked at his leg, and went to move forward but I flinched when I moved my head. "Did it get checked out?"

"When I went to the station they bandaged it."

I crawled forward on the bed and put my hand on his leg. "Take off your pants."

Jax smirked at me. "Little forward?"

"Just do it, Teller."

Jax smiled before he took off his pants, thankfully he was wearing boxers but I didn't look as he sat back down on the bed and flinched. Gunner whined as I stood up and walked over to his dresser. There was a medkit on top. "You look good in just a shirt."

I forgot I was only wearing his shirt, at least I assume it was his shirt. It smelled like him. "Did you do this?" I asked, talking about the shirt as I grabbed the med kit.

"After Chibs put bandages on your neck. Your clothes were covered in blood." Jax was smiling, or was it a smirk? I couldn't tell anymore. I got onto the bed next to him and undid his bandages. I looked at the wound for a moment before I grabbed some disinfectant.

"Don't yell."

"What-" I didn't give him a chance to say anything before I sprayed his leg. Jax flinched but didn't say anything or move away. Damn. If he had done that to me I would've bitched. "That wasn't that bad."

Right. He's probably been shot before, that's not that bad.

"Doesn't Abel get out today?" I asked as I started to unroll the bandages a little bit. "Lift your leg." I spoke and he smiled.

"Yeah, he gets out of the toaster. Do you work today?"

I reached up to my neck. "Really think I can go in like this?" I asked before dropping my hand and I started to wrap his leg again. "Whoever wrapped this before sucked."

Jax laughed. "Didn't know there was a different way to wrap bandages."

I looked up for a moment, and I couldn't help but smile. I hated this pull he had on me. When I was alone with him, I didn't see him for someone who was using me. I didn't see him as someone who slept with countless women. I saw him as cute, caring, hot... I saw that damn smile and I melted.

Damn his sweet words.

"Your leg is fine now." I looked down, what was going to happen now? I was going to leave here and where was Sean gonna be?

"So, if Kohn didn't do this..." Jax started, and I flinched as I felt his fingers trace my shoulder and slowly made his way up to my neck . "Who did this?"


"Harley." The seriousness in his voice, it made me want to tell him. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to trust him. "I'll protect you. Tell me so I can handle it for you."

I looked up at him, "S-" I saw Tara standing behind him. No, she wasn't really physically there, but she was still affecting his choices. He was using me, I'm not sure why, but he wouldn't protect me. He'd laugh at me.

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