Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Christa, what are you doing ?"

I jumped out of my skin and turned around to meet my youngersister's gaze.

"Shh," I whispered, putting a finger on my lips. She smiledand sat near me on the stairs.

"Spying on our sister and her boyfriend again?" She whispered.

"I'm not spying," I lied.

"Of course. Christa, when are you going to stop this and growup? Darien loves our sister, and one day they'll get married. Stopfantasizing about him. He's out of bounds." Coleen continued. Iknew she was right, but I couldn't help it.

"Oh, shut up. I'm not fantasizing about anyone. Just... well,he's too handsome for me to resist. Just look at him!" I said. Isighed and looked with dreamy eyes between the balustrades at mysister's boyfriend. He was gorgeous. Tall with silky black hair andpiercing blue eyes. He had the most beautiful smile in the world. Hisfigure was amazing, he had a nice body frame; so masculine andstrong. He worked out daily and was involved in a lot of sports, andit showed. His arms were muscled and his waist and abs cut and toned.It had taken me all my effort not to gasp and stare at him the weekbefore when he came to the beach with all my family. He met my sistertwo years ago at a fund-raising activity which Serena, my oldersister, had organized to raise money for the poor. Serena is 24 andbeautiful. She's all I ever wanted to be. She's tall, I'm not.Serena has a perfect figure and works as a model. I'm on a constantdiet to keep my weight off. She has gorgeous blue eyes, mine areplain hazel and I hate them. Her hair is blonde, long and straight,mine keeps curling and is dark brown. In one word, she's gorgeous,I'm just average. Sometimes, I wonder if we are really sisters. Butmost of all, she has Darien, the man of my dreams.

I sighed in frustration again while I saw him embracing her andthen getting closer to her and kiss her. I felt so down.

"Let's go away from here." Coleen said. "Stop spying onthem it's not nice. Christa, you just keep hurting yourself."

Coleen is younger than me by two years. She's 15 and I love herdearly. She's the only one to know about my crush on Darien. Ifollowed her to her room and then I sat down on the edge of her bed.I played with my feet nervously while I covered my face with myhands. I felt awful.

"Christa, why don't you find a boyfriend your age?" Sheasked me concerned. She knew how much all this was hurting me.

"I don't want a boyfriend.. I-"

"You want Darien, I know that but you can't have him. Christa,if Serena notices you feel something for him she will kill you and sowill mum and dad. They love Darien dearly and-"

"And they love precious Serena dearly too," I continued. "Morethan they will ever love me or you."

My sister looked sadly at me.

"Oh Christa, that's not true, they love us as well. I guessshe's just the perfect daughter that every parent would want. Shesucceeds in everything she does. Did you know that today she wasoffered a new contract with Mode's Modelling agency?" She askedme.

"What?" I asked, stunned.

"Yes, she will be on their new catalogue next month. Mum isreally excited about this."

"Of course, she's always excited whenever Serena isconcerned." I felt a stab of jealousy.

"I see You didn't know." Coleen said, sitting next to me.

Christa's forbidden secret (student/teacher) SAMPLE due to PublishingWhere stories live. Discover now