Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I ran outside; I needed some fresh air. I stopped in our drive-inand sat down near the garage door, hiding my face in my hands. I feltmiserable; I was fed up with this life. Serena, the world revolvedaround her. Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped upfrightened and looked up to meet two beautiful eyes full of concern.

"Darien?" I said, looking at him stunned.

"Please don't cry," he said, sitting next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Just came to see if you're OK. I was worried, I mean they'vedone a fuss for nothing. That dress can be easily washed and thestains will go away," he said smiling at me. I was startled. I keptlooking at him in disbelief, he was worried about me.

"Christa, don't let anyone put you down like this, you're anintelligent girl."

"I..I... it's just that my parents hate me.. and.."

"They don't hate you, but I understand. It's not simplebeing the odd one out all the time. I have two other brothers, youknow, I'm the middle one just like you. I know exactly how youfeel, Jacob is the eldest. He has always been the most responsibleone of us three, the one who protected his younger brothers, the onewho set the example for us to follow. Mikael is the youngest, mum'sfavourite, the one who is spoiled, the one who is never shouted at. Iseemed to be the one that didn't have a specific place or a role.You know my father has a ranch, and both my brothers work with him.They couldn't accept it when I told them I was going to leave, thatI wanted to go to college, to study, and then to University. My fatherinsisted I was going to regret this, but he was wrong, I'm happywith the life I chose although perhaps I'm not as rich as they are.They have a lot of horses. They take them for races and most of thetime they win. Jacob trains them."

Why was he telling me all this?

"Christa, you'll find your place, you'll see, probably itwon't be with them, but you'll be happy one day I'm sure, justdon't give up OK."

Saying this, he ruffled my hair again.

"Come on, stop crying, pretty girls should never do that," hesaid smiling.

My heart missed a beat. He was so handsome, I just wanted to hughim. My sister didn't deserve a man like him.

"Thank you," I said, rubbing away my tears.

"You're welcome, now come on, come in with me. You didn'teat anything," saying this he stood up.

"No, I'm not coming, I'm not hungry and I don't want tosee them. But you should go," I said.

"What? Oh, no.. please Christa come inside."

I shook my head stubbornly.

"Then I'll stay here with you, probably right now your mum andSerena are too absorbed planning our engagement to notice that I'mnot even there," he said smiling.

I was astonished; he preferred staying there with me.

"So Christa, do you like sports?" He asked me then.

"Yes, I play football at school and some basketball as well,"I replied.

"Really? Oh, that's great. I live for sports. Do you want toplay a game?"

"A game?"

"Yeah, I noticed that there is the basketball net attachedthere." He said pointing at the top of the garage door.

"Well, yes, but I can't, I'm not dressed adequately and..."

"Oh, come on, I'm curious to see how you play."

Christa's forbidden secret (student/teacher) SAMPLE due to PublishingWhere stories live. Discover now