Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

On the days that followed, I woke up very early and went for arun; I ate less, hoping to lose the weight I wanted in a short time.I caught Darien looking at me often, especially during dinner when Ileft half of the food on the plate. No one seemed concerned aboutthis except him. One day after dinner I went out to play somebasketball, Serena and mum were deciding what hairstyle was betterfor her engagement, Coleen was out with friends and my dad still atwork. I was doing some free shots when I turned around and saw himlooking at me. He leaned against the wall in silence while Ithrew the ball.


"Go on, I don't want to disturb you," he said.

I tried, but I couldn't concentrate knowing he was there.

"How come you're not in with Serena?" I asked him.

He didn't reply, instead he came near me and grabbed myshoulders. I froze for a second and looked stunned at him. The ballfell down from my hands.

"You have to stop this nonsense," he said, looking into myeyes.

"What.. what are you talking about?" I asked him, trembling.

"That damned diet. You don't need diets, you're beautifulthe way you are. Your body frame differs from that of your sister,and it's only natural that you weigh more. You're not fat OK,just a little curvy, which is nice," he told me.

I shivered.

"Darien, why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm angry OK, because I want nothing to happen to youjust because of a stupid dress," he shouted.

He cared about me?

"Your engagement is next week, and I only lost a kilo, I won'tever fit in it even if I starve myself," I said as I felt tearsfilling in my eyes. His gaze softened and unexpectedly he hugged me.

"You will, I promise, but not in the way you think. Get me thatdress," he demanded.


"Don't ask me anything, just get me that dress please," hesaid again.


"Listen Christa, tomorrow I'll go away for about 3 or 4 days,I'm going to visit my family at the ranch. I'll be back with themfor the engagement. I want you to do me a promise," he said, stillholding me tight. I shivered in his arms. What a beautiful feeling.How much I loved this man.

"Christa, look at me," he ordered.

I did, although I could hardly breathe. He looked deep into myeyes while his hands caressed my back.

"Tell me," I said weakly.

"No more diets, promise me. I'll ask Coleen so don't cheatplease."

I couldn't understand why he was doing this, I was only hisgirlfriend's sister.

"OK, promise. But the dress?" I asked.

"Leave that to me."

I nodded and he let me go. My heart beat had sped up so much thatI couldn't help but to put a hand on my chest. He kept looking atme strangely then...

"Let's go in your room so you can give me that dress, beforeyour mum or Serena notice," he said.

We walked in and he followed me up while Serena and mum were stillin the sitting room. I gave him the dress, and he was going to leave.

Christa's forbidden secret (student/teacher) SAMPLE due to PublishingWhere stories live. Discover now