Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The next two weeks were very busy for my mum and Serena. They wentto search for a dress for her engagement and prepared the party. Theywanted to organise a big event and invite many persons. Coleen and Ihad to prepare dinner and do the housework in mum's absence. I wasso fed up, I couldn't wait for school to begin. I loved summer andthe summer holidays, but this was turning out to be my worst summerever. I hadn't seen Darien for sometime and I really missed him; hewas busy looking for work and a place in our city. Probably he'llcome and live somewhere near us to be near Serena. I was washing thefloor when the doorbell rang.

"Coleen, can you open please?" I shouted. But she didn'tanswer, probably she went out shopping. I rolled my eyes infrustration and put the floor cloth down in the bucket, wiped my feetand then went to open.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me, Darien," he said from outside. At the sound of hisvoice, my heart started beating fast. How come he was here? I lookedat myself, I was a mess, my hair was up and all ruffled, my trousersrolled up and I was barefooted. I had no trace of makeup and probablyI was even smelling. It was such a hot day today.

"Christa, are you still there?" He asked.

No time to make myself presentable, I thought sadly. I just openedand looked up at his handsome, smiling face. He had luggage in hishand. I looked stunned at him.


"Hello Christa, can I come in?"

"Sure, of course, I'm sorry for this mess. Be careful I waswashing the floor, it has not dried up yet," I said embarrassed. Hewas looking insistently at me, his gaze travelling from my face to alittle below. Was he looking at my breasts? I wondered.

"Oh, sorry. I just arrived. I have rented an apartment for now,but I can't get in touch with the owner, so I thought to comehere," he explained.

"I see," I said.

"Are you alone? Serena and your mum?"

"Out again, looking for the perfect dress," I saidsarcastically. He smiled, one of his sweetest smiles, and I felt myheart melt.

"You look really cute with your hair up like that, it reallysuits you. You should always put it up."

I looked stunned at him. My heart missed a beat, or maybe evenmore than one.

"Thank you," I said as I blushed.

"You're welcome. Where can I put my luggage?" He asked,looking for a dry spot.

"Erm.. maybe in the living room for now, the kitchen is soakedwith water and even the corridor, I'm still half way."

Just then he took off his shirt, leaving me breathless andstunned, looking at his bare chest. I couldn't help it but to starewith my mouth open. My God, he was perfection. His stomach was sotaut and defined.

"What... what are you doing?" I asked him. He smiled.

"Helping you out. Where is the broom, and the bucket? In twowe'll finish before," he said.

"What? Oh, no.. no just sit down, you've just arrived. I'llget you something to drink and-"

He shook his head. "No Christa, thank you, but I want to help. Ihate to watch while you work. It's not fair that you have to doeverything by yourself."

I stayed silent for a moment, I couldn't stop gazing in hiseyes. Did he have an idea how much I wanted him? How much I was inlove with him? I looked down, fearing he could read my thoughtsthrough my eyes.

Christa's forbidden secret (student/teacher) SAMPLE due to PublishingWhere stories live. Discover now