Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was morning.
She thought. Wasn't sure yet. She would have to open her eyes to find out. But she didn't want to. It would be too painful.

She squinted her eyes open a little, just to catch a glimpse of the time on her bedside clock. 5 am. Why was she even awake? She closed her eyes again. And took a deep breath, willing herself to go back to sleep.

But as her lungs filled to its maximum capacity, she felt a warmth on her back, a warm plain surface. Smooth. Had Josh shaved his chest? That's weird, why would he do that. But it felt different, nice.

She snuggled closer to him and realized he had his arm around her waist. And she could feel every part of him. Every single part. They were naked. Of course, they had fallen asleep naked sometimes but Kate was never one to cuddle, much to josh's disappointment.

But for some reason, it felt good, different.

The breath on her neck was slow, warmer than usual, Kate thought to herself, maybe he wasn't well, maybe he was getting a fever or something. And then something else caught her attention, he shifted closer and his hand reached higher up her waist to hold her.

Kate would have pushed his hand away. But her headache was getting too bad, she shut her eyes tight. Everything was just so blurry and hazy in her head. She couldn't feel right. Why were josh's ministrations in his sleep making her feel so good? She must have drank too much last night. She pushed the thought away, as thinking was only making her head ache more severely.

The last thing she felt was a deep exhale against her neck, and its warmth lulled her to sleep again.

When Kate awoke again, her head ache was comparatively less. She slightly opened her eyes again, this time to find that it was 11 am. Great! She had slept through the whole morning. She closed her eyes again, why couldn't she remember anything from last night. Everything in her head was such a blur.

She concentrated on her surroundings. Josh was still in bed with her. Why? Didn't he have to be at the hospital today? And when did his chest become so... full. Was he working out or something? Kate put a hand over his, and pushed it slightly away, but she was rewarded with a mumble of words at her neck, and it made her shiver. What was going on?

She tried to turn in his hold, but he just held her tighter, not letting her move, "don't get out of bed yet".
This has got to be some weird kind of hangover she thought. That voice, low and gruff, was way too familiar.

and then suddenly she remembered, she was no longer with Josh. How drunk had she gotten last night? she must have drank too much, that the aftermath made her forget she had broken it off with him a long while ago.

Her body stiffened a bit. her eyes widened with panic. if that was not Josh, than who was it?

"Don't go, just stay here a little longer, my head hurts" the whining of a child, yup that's what it reminded her off. Her eyes shot open at the realization of who owns a voice like that.
She shut her eyes tight now, desperately trying to remember what had happened last night.

Flashes of images came to her head. And in all of them she could see him. They were drinking together, laughing, talking. The next scene that came to her head was him at her front door, and his face leaning into hers. And that was it.

She couldn't remember anything after that. She wanted to slap herself. What happened after that? He obviously came to drop her home, but then what?

'Well you didn't need to be a scholar to know what happened after that' she thought as she once again realized how totally naked they both still were under her covers. God, but why couldn't she remember anything. This is such a huge mistake! How did things always get so messed up!

His hold around her had loosened and so she finally turned to face him! It was true. They had just slept together, and apparently, he was still sleeping. She pushed his arm away from her body, and sat up a little, pulling the covers over her body a bit, to stay modest if he wakes up. And he did.

He stirred awake and turned on his back, starring up at the ceiling, and he winced in pain, obviously the hangover got to him too. "Ahhh, what time is it?"

Kate didn't care to respond, she was still staring at him, trying to form answers in her head. And then she watched him look around, then at his own self and then back at her, it was now that he noticed what the scene looked like, his hands wiped his face off all the drousiness he still felt, and he ran his hands through his hair.

Kate was the first to speak. "Castle did we…?"

He interrupted, "I don't know Kate, I can't remember a thing..." they sat silently for a moment.
And then he softly said "but by the looks of it…"
"I know" she said.
He smiled slightly at a thought in his own head. She eyed him and said "what?"
he shook his head "I so badly want to remember it… because I have no doubt that it was the most amazing…"
a pillow shot at his face.
"Castle, that's not the point."
"Ouch... okay okay… where do you keep your aspirin, my head's killing me" he opened her bedside draw and found some and quickly consumed some.
And when he turned back to face her, she had already put a robe around her. And he immediately regretted looking away.

"I'm going in for a shower Castle, I'm sure you can make yourself decent till then and let yourself out."
She wasn't looking at him. And castle didn't know what to think. Was she chasing him out? They obviously shared something intimate last night and she was asking him to leave like it was some one-night stand that wasn't supposed to happen.
Well of course it wasn't supposed to happen the way it did, but he liked to think that one day they would reach there eventually. He tried to get her attention.
"Kate, I'm not…"

"Castle please, I really don't want to talk about this. It was all huge mistake…"

she regretted saying it the minute it left her lips. That's not what she meant.
But she couldn't deal with this right now. Her head was fuzzy and heavy, she just disappeared into the bathroom, hoping he'd stay back to fight her even though she had just told him to leave.

Kate leaned against the door as soon as she closed it; she held her head, trying to recollect everything that happened last night. She needed to know how exactly they ended up sleeping together. They must have both been equally drunk... cause if she knew Castle at all, he wouldn't take advantage of her.
But what led them to get into her bed together?

Part of why she needed to know was because she feared they may have said things, things they were holding back from each other all this while.

And the other part, the stronger part of it, well, was because she was sure last night would have been magical, amazing, and she so badly wanted to remember!

She calmed herself down, walked to the shower and turned the water on. She dropped her robe and stepped in under the running cool water. She closed her eyes and let the water flow down her body, and as little streams of water travelled down her skin, her mind began to flash back again.

And suddenly... she could feel the way Castle touched her... the way his hands held her, roamed her body... it was just as smooth and relaxing as the feeling of water sheathing her skin… she put her hands to the wall, and tried to remember some more… and the images were comforting, arousing, refreshing, they had kissed on the couch in the living room… one thing led to another and they had begun stripping clothes off each other… Kate touched her neck now and she could feel the way castle had softly bitten her, careful to not leave a mark, but hard enough to imprint the feeling into her memory.

She remembered the way she shivered when his lips had travelled down her collar bone… and then the location changed to her bedroom, and everything that flashed through her mind at that moment in the shower, just proved to her how amazing their night had been... even though they were drunk... the love they gave each other was real. And it made Kate blush. When she turned the shower off and entered her bedroom clad in her robe she was expecting to see Castle there, waiting for her.

but Castle was gone.

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