Chapter 12 - Accident

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-=-ZACH'S POV-=-

That guy had left and I was completely confused. Who is he? That might be another YouTuber because this floor is only for them...I don't know. I stood up and got myself togeather, when my phone buzzed and I checked it, the text was from Jordan. I really didn't care what he had to say so I completely ignored it, I put my phone back in my pocket and headed back to my room.

I got into my room and plopped on my bed. All these feels were in my head and I didn't know how to deal with them. I still couldn't believe what Zoe did. I thought she had a thing for me...maybe she just used me to get closer to Jordan, that explains a lot. I opened my laptop and went to Twitter, gosh I haven't tweeted in a long time.

"@Graser10: It hurts to be betrayed by people you love the most..."

I was tempted to check Zoe's Twitter, I knew that that was a bad idea, but I did it anyways. She changed her username to "ZozzeBear" and she had a couple of new Tweets, this one was from yesterday and it was her last tweet.

"ZozzeBear: Just met this fellow lad @Bajan_Canadian , cool guy :)"

Who is Bajan Canadian? Another YouTuber? I decided to check him out on YouTube, he had a channel and about 3 million subs, I clicked on one of his videos and couldn't believe what I heard.

It was the same guy I met in the hallway a couple of minutes ago!

What does he have to do with her? He is Canadian..judging by the username. This just made things more complicated, a lot more complicated. I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling...I just..don't know what to do right now. I need to talk to her.

*Tomorrow morning*

-=-ZOE'S POV-=-

I woke up completely feeling like shit. That past day started so perfectly...but ended so horribly wrong. I got up from bed and, as I was brushing my teeth, I heard my phone go off a couple of times. Who is that? I stopped and went to my phone, I had a new message and a couple of Twitter notifications like...blah blah blah has followed you, but one caught my attention. It was a tweet from Graser, I totally forgot that I get notifications when he tweets, I set that up a long time ago.

"@Graser10: It hurts to be betrayed by people you love the most..."

What does that mean? He loves me? No, no he doesn't, Zoe. He just doesn't love you. Remember what Crystal said.

I countinued getting ready, it was the first day of Minecon, we're gonna forget about everything and we're gonna have some fun today!

I wore my black "Power Moves Only" t-shirt and skinny jeans with black Vans, as usual. I put my hair in a braid and grabbed my bag and my phone.

I peeked out of my room and the only pearson that was in the corridor was the maid, who just passed by me. I got out of my room and locked it. I heard footsteps from behind me and I started running towards and then down the stairs. I don't want to risk seeing Zach today, I know I won't be able to avoid him for the rest of my Florida trip, I will just have to face him sooner or later.

I kept running down the stairs and the pearson was running, too beause I could hear the footsteps coming closer and closer. I lost my footing and felt a big pain in my neck. Everything turned black.


Chapter over!

Who ran after Zoe? Mhmmm....

I guess you'll find out in the next chapter!

Don't forget to comment and vote, happy reading!


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