Chapter 19 - Getting Drunk

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"Come on, let's leave", Mitch said

nudging me.

"O-okay", I hardly managed to say. What can I do? I was drunk like hell. Mitch grabbed my hand and we were going through the crowd of people, how do you call it again? Ahh, yeah, a rave. I almost fell down but he picked me up and literally carried me to the outside of the club. I could feel cold wind on my bare hands and I looked around seeing that we are at the back of the club, he was still holding me and I looked up at him, straight in the eyes.

"We need to go", Mitch said with a serious tone.

"Why?", I asked in confusion and looked at my watch to see the time, "look it's only 1 am".

"This isn't a quite good time to be here Zo, we need to go", he said and started walking to what seemed was a parking lot.

"Party pooper", I muttered under my breath, so that he can't hear me.

He walked to his car and placed me on the back seat, I felt nauseous and tipsy (that's because you're drunk idiot).

"My head hurtssss", I whined as Mitch turned on the car and started driving, I don't know where, I couldn't see the windows because I was lying on the seats.

"Wait till you see how it hurts in the morining", he chuckled.

"You aren't helping Mitch", I whined again and he laughed.

"Is this your first time to drink?", he asked.

"Well, not really", I said, "I used to drink alot but I stopped, I guess I just forgot how it feels".

"Oh, okay", he said and turned slightly to the left.

"Aren't you not supposed to drive when you're drunk?", I said concerned.

"I can handle a drink", Mitch said and let out a slight chuckle, "besides, I didn't drink so much".

He stopped the car, got out and opened my door.

"Where are we?", I asked streching and Mitch let out his hands and he grabbed me again.

"We are at my friend's house", he said and closed the car door with his leg.

"Why?", I asked a bit confused and scared.

"We can't go to the hotel now", Mitch said and increased my confusion. All that was in my head now was the plain question: Why?

"What? How? Why?", I asked and Mitch knocked on the door.

"You are too drunk now, you will see by yourself tomorrow", he said and some guy opened the door. My headache was getting bigger and bigger, my head was literally pulsing from pain.

~Mitch's POV~

"Mitch, what are you doing here?", Leon asked rubbing his eyes, "Who's that?", he widened his eyes as he saw Zoe, I looked down at her and looks like she passed out.

"Can we sleep over tonight?", I asked.

"Yeah, yeah sure", he said and let me in, closing the door behind me, "but tell me who is that", he demanded with a smirk.

"That's my friend, she kind of passed out from drinking", I said and he nodded and smirked.

"But...why are you here?", Leon asked, "Aren't you supposed to be in a hotel?"

"Yeah, we were...But the thing is more complicated than it actually seems li-WHERE CAN I PUT HER DOWN?", I felt the pain in my arms.

"You can put her in the guest room", he said pointing at the room up the stairs, I nodded and hardly climbed the stairs without falling. I got to the room and saw a double bed, wait...looks like we're gonna have to sleep togeather. I put her on the bed and breathed out.

"You never told me why you're here", Leon said and crossed his arms, I sighed.

"There is a robber in the hotel, the police found him. The hotel is in complete lockdown for the whole night, we can't get in", I said quietly trying not to wake Zoe up, "besides, one crazy guy has been texting her all night..she didn't notice the texts tho."

"Okay, you can sleep in the living room if you want", Leon smiled.

"I'll sleep here", I said and pointed at the place next to Zoe.

"Oookay", Leon said suspiciously, "are you sure you aren't dating her, or are you too drunk to know it", he joked.

"I am not dating her Leon", I said annoyed.

"Okay, okay tiger. Sleep now, it's almost 3 am", he chuckled and tip-toed to the door, closing it afterwards.

I just stood there and stared at the empty space next to Zoe...should I? She won't be bothered if I sleep next to her..? Awh, I am too tired to think about that now. I layed down next to her and turned around, I could feel her arms around me...I was pretty sure that she wasn't doing that consciously. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her, falling asleep almost immidiately.


Chapter done :3

What do you think how will the new character effect Zoe&Zach's relationship? Does Mitch have feelings for Zo?

Everything will eventually be clear.

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